Crop 307 May 1 to 15 Issue of Flowering Shrub Farm Monthly All Picture Newsletters; January February March April May 1 to 15 May 16 to 31 June 1 to 7 June 8 to 14 June 15 to 21 June 22 to 30 July August September October November December We propagate and grow for mail-order many hard to obtain roses, lilacs, blueberry bushes, rhododendrons or azaleas and report how we are doing to potential customers via these monthly newsletters (larger plants are usually available for pickup during our plant sale). Click on the picture and it may open a larger version with more detail. Reload this page in case your computer has it cached. 10:05

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For the three months May, June and July we are selling lilacs, roses and more. The newsletter I am working on this month is at . The pictures below are probably from previous years unless they have been recently over-written.

On the left above shows flowering Lilacs for sale in back of the house at 40 Voorheesville Ave. On the right are many of the cuttings I rooted last year placed in one gallon pots and marked with this year followed by a guess at the variety name (yellow labels on top wont be for sale until they flower proving the variety maybe). If you want to come buy plants give me a heads up by calling my cell phone at 518-526-9978. If I'm not in the potting shed I'll probably be out watering or labeling flowering plants in the field and it will take around 5 minutes or so to come in to the plant sale location at 40 Voorheesville Ave in Voorheesville, NY 12186 across from the Voorheesville Diner and next to Stewarts Sandwich Shop.

City of york and Prairie Princess cuttings I potted (note the date picture was taken in the lower right hand corner of the picture). I over-write the cuttings picture for each variety as I pot them. Click the cuttings link at the top of the page for more cuttings pictures as I pot plants.

La Belle Sultane and New Dawn. At first the cuttings picture may show rooted cuttings in 2 inch pots, later as I repot, label and photograph they may show them in 1, 2 or 3 gallon. Note the year first potted into a 1 gallon on the label as 13, 14, or 16.

'Michel Buchner' Lilacs on left and Lilacs in back on right.

This shows how many Michel Buchner Lilacs we have at the plant sale (I may copy this to the cuttings picture for this variety).

potting bench and those I potted may 19

Potting rooted cuttings of roses that may be placed on drip line in the field (zone 5 roses will usually go into 3 gallon pots while zone 3 or 4 roses will usually go into 2 or 3 gallon). I attach a yellow label with an abreviation of what we think it is (city would be 'City of York' and prairie would be 'Prairie Princess' for example) and the year ('16) that they are being potted so I can take pictures from above (in winter they will be packed closely into my insulated cold boxes and the label will allow us to continue to see what they are). Geodisks will be added (circles of landscape fabric inserted on top of the soil but under the yellow label to control weeds in the pot) before I place the pots in the field on drip line for the summer (as plants flower or become available for sale I will add a price sticker and take a picture to over-write the cuttings picture with).

Pot in pot and roses or cut back Lilacs going on drip line.

Transferring roses from pot in pot (as trees overhead leaf out) to the drip line in full sun while lilacs that are flowering on the drip line are being taken to the plant sale by pickup truck to be sold. Later in the year we will cleanup under the drip lines a bit where in May theres so much dead vegetation you cant even see the weed mat under the pots.

'Aucubaefolia' and 'Ludwig Spaeth'

charles joly

No Charles Joly for sale this year as we have only around a dozen to propagate from.

'Clarks Giant' and 'Nadezhda'

Clarks Giant is not available this year (this flower is on the plant we take cuttings from). We bring plants in from the field that are flowering and place them in the back yard at the plant sale to be labeled and sold. Some will be cut back after being labeled so they form a thicket of stems that can either be divided in winter (to be sold mail order probably) or potted into larger pots to be sold for more money next year.

Edward J Gardner and Mme Lemoine

Click the blue link beneath these pictures for more information or to see additional pictures.

'Congo' and 'Monge'

Congo and Monge are often quite similar with Congo opening somewhat red and fading to purple, Monge opening purple.

'Krasavitsa moskvy' and maylilacssmall.jpg

We carry in several pickup truck loads of Lilacs from the fields whenever Curt is here and sort them as best we can at the plant sale location.

'Adelaide Dunbar' and 'Anabel'

I only have the one 'Anabel' in a 45 gallon pot that we will use for cuttings in the future. And 'Adelaide Dunbar' we are all out of.

'Excel' and 'Maidens Blush'

These Syringa hyacinthafloras 'Excel', 'Maidens Blush', and 'Purple Glory' are all plants we only have at this time to take cuttings from and to take pictures of.

'Purple Glory' and 'Paul Thirion'

This Paul Thirion Lilac is purple but I have not gotten a picture in the right light yet.

Sarah Sands and Sensation

Sarah Sands is very hard to get a picture that is truly reflective of its very dark purple flowers and often the camera sees blue instead of dark purple. The Sarah Sands plant this flower is on is the one we take cuttings from (badly labeled as Dark Night) and in June as new growth is six inches long I'll take cuttings.

'Belle de nancy' and 'Dark Night'

I will over-write these pictures of Lilac flowers every few days so you can see when the flowers actually open. We start the PLANT SALE as the lilacs we will sell flower so you can see the flower your buying and smell the fragrance. 'Dark Night' spelled in an interesting way is not very dark at all but it is distinctive.

Michel Buchner and Ami Schott?

Aucubaefolia and Congo Lilacs by mail that were cut back while still dormant in early spring and will be easy to reduce a bit more so they might fit a flat rate priority box. As they get larger I may divide them in half into their own 3 gallon pots next spring to be returned to the field or we will transplant them into larger pots for more money. I also use these as a source of cuttings to propagate from.

Edward J Gardner and Monge Lilacs by mail like those above.

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Rooted cuttings came back from the greenhouse 5/10 and I ripped the cartons apart, throwing the waste to the side to recycle later. Two crops of Lilacs thought to be Congo and Monge are very similar.

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I placed the rooted cuttings in this box for security until I get them potted up. This will be the misting bench sometime in June but these rooted cuttings should be under drip line by then.

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Around 30 of Rosa rugosa seedlings in 4 inch pots that we will pot up into 1 gallon size and sell for $15 or $20 each were placed in a secure location.

After I have compared this picture with other Prairie Princess I will pot them in 3 gallon pots and place them in the field under drip line. The two inch rooted rose cuttings have been placed in a secure box that is easy to water through the expanded metal top. Many very hardy types will be potted into 1 gallon, everything else in 3 gallon (as plants flower and prove their identity we add a price sticker but you should look for plants that are a couple years old and have a price sticker).

Fantin Latour and Kazanlik

This Kazanlik is going into a large pot to be used as a source of cuttings. Fantin Latour will be potted into a 3 gallon and placed in the field under drip line.

Ispahan and Leda

Ispahan will be planted in a 1 gallon mostly as it is hardy to zone 3. Leda will be put in a large pot to be used as a source of cuttings. The yellow label is mostly being used so plants can be packed closely together and you can still check their identity.......

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Curt setting up for the plant sale by spreading the weed mat and arranging lilacs brought in from the fields. Below here you'll see pictures of the flower buds on lilacs that we will over-write every few days until they flower. Click on the Lilacs link above and check the new cuttings pictures I am taking of plants we are lining up by variety at the plant sale.

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I am fertilizing these roses in the cold box so they are more likely to flower and be identified. Many will go out into the fields under drip line as soon as help starts arriving.

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This area in back will be covered with weed mat during the plant sale and those lilacs that flower this year will be labeled, brought in and arranged so its easy to water or sell them. The box near the red door will become the mist propagation bench.

Potting Bench and Harisons Yellow

The cuttings will go onto the mist propagation bench (just outside the window) while potted rooted cuttings may be taken out to the field to be placed under drip line. Bags of fertilizer, potting soil and pots can be stored under the bench.

Rail Trail and Station

Just a short distance from the plant sale on Voorheesville Ave is the beginning of the Rail Trail along the right of way of the old D&H Railway. Albany County plans to pave it sometime making it better for bikes.

Right click the picture below to see the file name that may have the variety included or click the picture for a larger image.

Right click the picture to see the pile name that may have the variety included or click the picture for a larger image.

Flowering Shrub Farm Monthly All Picture Newsletters; January February March April May 6 to 16 May 20 to 31 June 4 to 7 June 8 to 9 June 11 to 13 June 16 to 25 July August September October November December