List of Potential customers and the plants they want. In an email send me your name, address, phone number and a really short list of plants we grow that you would like to have. Additional links at bottom of page.

Janet on 3/17/2017

Here are four pictures from the Fru Dagmar Hastrup page linked below (I try to have 4 pictures at the top of each "individual variety page".

The first picture is usually one showing the flower (often with my hand holding it so you can determine the flower size),

The second from the left showing roses on drip line (a generic picture of plants on drip line) indicates that we had rooted cuttings as of a date you can see in the lower right hand corner of the picture and that we'll be growing in the field this summer and if they flower I might attach a price sticker, print the name on the side of the pot next to it, take a picture and over-write this "cuttings picture" in June or July sometime (so no price sticker visible in the cuttings picture probably not for sale yet).

Third picture from the left shows fru dagmar hastrup in June.

Note the picture on the far right showing fall foliage color on fru dagmar hastrup in November (sometimes it shows fruit instead).

Check my help page where I coppied this and more (and click the fru dagmar hastrup link to see it in the fru dagmar hastrup page).

Fru Dagmar Hastrup Crested Moss

When Fru Dagmar Hastrup flowers (if it does) I will put all fru dagmar hastrup together that have flowered with the name painted on the side of the pot with a price. I'll turn all the pots so the price sticker is visible when I take a picture and over-write my cuttings picture. I'll add a link to the fru dagmar hastrup page in my instock page.

Annette on 3/16/2017 City of York

Palatine Rose Order on March 15 Ipsilante Madame Hardy Palatine is located in Canada and sells grafted roses on seed grown species root stock. I will use these plants as an additional resource to take cuttings from while seeing what Palatines product looks like.

Lisa on 3/15/2017,

You asked about Ludwig Spaeth Congo Charles Joly Krasavitsa Moskvy, Primrose Rosa Cornelia Rose Madame Hardy

Click on each of the blue links. Still to early to see the availability of each. We may have some ludwig spaeth and krasavitsa moskvy but we'll have to wait for the snow to melt. Cornelia and Mme Hardy Roses may be in the field under drip line but we wont know until they flower and are identified (read my roseraie page). I placed a link to this answer page at the top of my HOME page.

Mike on 3/10/2017 Henry Hudson

Nancy on 3/7/2017 Mme Legras de St. Germain

Mark on 3/12/2017 Clark's Giant Forest Kresser Smith Rochester Sarah Sands

Jason on 3/4/17 Semi-Plena

Nathaniel on 3/3/17 Roseraie de l'hay

Scott on February 17, 2017 Alba maxima Alba semi plena Souvenir de Philemon Cochet Basye's Purple Geranium Hansa etc.

Steve 2/12/17 Mme Legras de St. Germain

John 2/9/2017 Alba maxima Alchymist Celsiana Duchesse de Montebello Konigin Von Danemark

Jamie 2/6/2017 Clark's Giant Dark Night Forest Kresser Smith Rochester Sarah Sands Superba

Cindy 2/6/2017 Roseraie de l'hay Conrad Ferdinand Meyer

Derrin 2/3/2017 Pauls Himalayan Musk

Peg 2/3/2017 NADEZHDA

Natalia 1/29/2017 Ispahan Leda Madame Hardy

Joan 1/27/2017 Tuscany

Joan 1/22/2017 Rochester

Jack 1/20/2017 Autumn Damask York and Lancaster

1/29/17 Natalia asked for Ispahan, Leda and Madame Hardy

1/27/17 Joan asked about Tuscany so click this link to my tuscany page where you will see at the top right the cuttings picture showing rooted cuttings that are not for sale until a price sticker is attached.

1/23/17 Wendy asked about Pinxterbloom and Rosebay rhododendron

1/20/17 Jack asked about Autumn Damask

1/19/17 Gilda asked about Crested Moss

On January 16 Mark emailed me to ask about a Lilac Rochester and Superba.

1/15/17 Ben asked about Fru Dagmar Hastrup

1/4/17 Vanessa wants Ispahan

12/29/16 Lisa wants Rosa moyesii Geranium

12/23/16 Joseph wants Rosa Centifolia

12/20/16 Chris wants City of York

12/19/16 Jean-David wants Rosa Gallica

12/14/16 jana wants Rose of Castille

This allows me to simply cut and paste links from below to the notes above.

Agatha Incarnata 'Agnes' Alain Blanchard 'Alba' Rugosa Rose Alba maxima, Alba semi plena 'Albertine' 'Alberic Barbier 'Alchymist' ALEXANDER MACKENZIE ALFRED DE DALMAS Amelie Gravereaux AMERICAN PILLAR, ANAIS SEGALES Apothecarys Rose Autumn Damask, Four Seasons, Rose des Quatre Saisons, Rose of Castille,

'Basye's Purple' 'BALLERINA' Belinda Belle de Crecy 'Belle_Poitevine'

Camaieux Cardinal de Richelieu Castille Rose CELESTIAL or CELESTE Alba Rose 'Celsiana' Damask Rose, 'Centifolia' 'CHAMPLAIN' CHARLES ALBANEL 'City of York 'Complicata' 'Comte de Chambord' 'Conrad Ferdinand Meyer' 'CONSTANCE_SPRY 'Cornelia' Crested Moss,

DAVID THOMPSON Dart's Dash 'Delicata' 'DORTMUND' 'DR. ECKENER' Duc de Cambridge 'Duc de Guiche' Duchesse de Montebello Duchess of Portland

'Fantin Latour' 'FATHER_HUGO'S ROSE' Felicite Parmentier Felicite et Perpetue Ferdinand Pichard Fimbriata F.J. Grootendorst Francois Juranville 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' 'FRUHLINGSMORGAN' 'FRUHLINGSGOLD' FURSTIN VON PLESS

'Geranium' 'Goldfinch'

Great Maidens Blush, or Cuisse de Nymphe or Nymph's Thigh or La Virginale or La Seduisante or The Seductress or Incarnata or Maidens Blush,

'Hansa' 'Harisons Yellow', Harison's Yellow, Harrison's Yellow, 'Hebes Lip' Henry Hudson Henry Kelsey Henri Martin Hippolyte

'Ipsilante' 'Ispahan'


Kathleen Harrop Konigin Von Danemark

La Belle Sultane or Violacea 'Leda' 'Leverkusen' Lichkonigin Lucia, Linda Campbell

Marie Bugnet Mme Georges Bruant 'Madame Hardy' Mme Legras de St. Germain Madame Plantier 'Magnifica' 'MRS ANTHONY WATERER'

Nevada 'New Dawn'.

Ombree Parfaite Rose

Panachee de Lyon Rose Pauls Himalayan Musk PERPETUAL WHITE MOSS Rose, Perpetual White Moss, Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux, Quatre Saisons Blanche Mousseuseuse, 'PRAIRIE PRINCESS'

'RED_LEAVED ROSE' (Species) 'ROSA GLAUCA, 'Robin Hood' 'ROBUSTA' Rosa centifolia 'Rosa Mundi' or 'Rosamond' Rosarium Uetersen Rose de Rescht Roseraie de l'hay 'Rotes Meer' 'Rubra' Rugelda

'Salet'_Moss Rose, Sarah Van Fleet 'Scabrosa' Schneekoppe, Schneekopf, Snow Pavement 'Schneezwerg', Snow Dwarf (R. rugosa x R. bracteata) Semi-Plena, 'SEVEN SISTERS' (1817) 'SIR_THOMAS_LIPTON' Soupert et Notting, Souvenir de Philemon Cochet 'Stanwell Perpetual' 'Super Dorothy' 1986 'Surpasse Tout' 1823

Tausendschon Tour de Malakoff 'Tricolore de Flandre' 'Trier' Trigintipetala (Kazanlik) 'Tuscany' 'Tuscany Superb',

'Wasagaming' 'William Baffin', 'William Lobb' 'OLD VELVET MOSS' , Williams Double Yellow

Yolanda d'Aragon York and Lancaster Damask Rose

67) 'Zepherine Drouhin' (Bourbon) Climbing Rose,

LILAC Links I may copy and paste to the above.

'ANDENKEN AN Ludwig Spaeth' Lilac 'Adelaide Dunbar' Lilac 'Agincourt Beauty' Lilac 'Ami Schott' Lilac 'Atheline Wilbur' 'Aucubaefolia' or Dappled Dawn

'Belle de Nancy'

'Charles Joly' 'Clark's Giant' 'Congo'

'Dark Night' 'Donald Wyman'

'Edward J Gardner'

'Fiala Remembrance' 'Forest Kresser Smith'

'General Sheridan'


'Krasavitsa Moskvy'

'Maidens Blush' 'MISS CANADA' 'Miss Ellen Willmott' 'Mme Lemoine' 'Michel Buchner' 'MONGE'


'PAUL THIRION' 'POCAHONTAS' 'President Grevy' 'President Lincoln' 'President Poincaire' 'PRIMROSE' 'PURPLE GLORY' 'Rochester'

'SYLVAN BEAUTY' 'Sarah Sands' 'Sensation' Lilac 'Summer Charm' 'Superba' Violetta 'Znamya Lenina'