How to contact me at the flowering
shrub farm, what we grow, most recent prices and newsletter link.
Links at bottom of page. Click the picture for a larger image of from
left to right Curt, Don, Andy..
You can Call me 7 days a week 9 AM to 9 PM Eastern Time at 518-526-9978. If I cant answer because I'm talking to someone else, driving, etc. I probably wont. Then you should email me at . Include your phone number and address so I can call you back.
If you want to talk to me (Andy) personally, the best way is to call my cell or text me at 518-526-9978. I sometimes have problems texting so I may just call you back so be ready to receive my call.
It takes me a while to get the phone out of my pocket so if I dont answer try the number again. Chances are I'll have it in my hand waiting for the second call to answer. If I dont answer the second time email me at
Check prices at my intro page !
Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm, PO Box 49, Voorheesville, NY 12186. Sales Area at; 40 Voorheesville Ave. Checks are made out to Azalea House
I can send plants to the following states without having to have them inspected; Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
I started my business in 1991. I specialize in varieties that I like that are locally hard to find, hardy and disease resistant. We plant several of each variety along drip lines on my small farm or micro-nursery growing them and taking pictures of them until they are large enough to propagate from. Cuttings that have rooted are then potted up and grown on drip line until they flower, are identified, labeled and had a price sticker attached (then a cuttings picture that shows a price sticker may be taken to over-write the first one and a link may be added to my instock page).
Links at top and bottom of page include; Home is my home page where I have additional lists of plants with links and pictures, Plant Sale I show pictures of the plant sale and explain when we open and close, Lilacs is an alphabetised catalog of all Lilacs we propagate and may grow for sale, Roses is an alphabetised catalog of all Roses we propagate and may grow for sale, Newsletter shows through pictures and comments what we are doing right now or at least this month as I interact with plants and take pictures, Roseraie I show with pictures and comments how we propagate, grow and sell roses, Lilacgro I show with pictures and comments how we propagate, grow and sell lilacs, Instock I add to a list of varieties that may be for sale as they flower and I attach a price sticker, List is a list of potential customers and what they asked for in an email, Help explains the layout of many pages and what a cuttings picture may be, Ordering how much and how to order, Contact phone number, email address etc.