Crop 320 April Issue of Flowering Shrub Farm Monthly All Picture Newsletters; January February March April May 1 to 15 May 16 to 31 June 1 to 7 June 8 to 14 June 15 to 21 June 22 to 30 July August September October November December We propagate and grow for mail-order many hard to obtain roses, lilacs, blueberry bushes, rhododendrons or azaleas and report how we are doing to potential customers via these monthly newsletters (larger plants are usually available for pickup during our plant sale). Click on the picture and it may open a larger version with more detail. Reload this page in case your computer has it cached. 12:14
aprilfertilizersmall.jpg, aprilfertilizingsmall.jpg
In April we are propagating plants from divisions, opening cold-frames, taking picture closeups that show the level of growth and fertilizing. The newsletter I am working on this month is at and includes a link to "what we do and when we do it". The pictures below are probably from previous years unless they have been recently over-written.
april cold box open and the farm
april 15 and april drip line
On left above are lilacs that were cut back last year that will be either repotted into a larger pot for $50 or divided into two or three each to be sold for $20 each. On right are looking across drip lines at the cold box in back. When outdoor temps get regularly above 60 the roses in the cold box will be placed on drip line.
Fertilizing everything.
On left is april cold box where we store rooted cuttings of roses in winter and that we will place on drip line later when trees above the box start to leaf out.On right is april lilac drip line where we attached the label to the side of the pot of those that were clearly labeled and cut the stems back to a couple inches so that they produce a thicket of upright stems making it easy to divide in half or sell in a larger pot.
red door on left and supplies on right.
The "red door" gives us access into the potting shed in front of which is one of our mist propagation boxes (the lower story of the potting shed has sliding windows that can be slid open to take potted plants from the bench to place in the cold frame or within the propagation box). Went and got 10 more bags of Rose tone so we can finish fertilizing this month and 10 bags of potting soil. As I prepare to go to the hospital in Boston for a stem cell transplant I have to bring in plenty of supplies so Curt and Rich can continue to set up the plant sale label lilacs as they bloom and take roses from the cold box and place on drip line (prices and more at the plant sale link).
april cold frame on left and april pot in pot on right
Small roses are stored for the winter in the cold box on the left side of the cold frame (another cold box is in the field) and plants we take cuttings from are potted into seven gallon grip lip pots and stored during winter with their roots surrounded by mulch pot-in-pot. As trees overhead leaf out these 7 gallons will be placed in the field on drip line.
Lilacs that have been divided and potted into one gallon pots are shown in my "Lilacs by mail" picture. I took this picture on Main Street in Voorheesville, NY because of the false fronts on some of the buildings.
april front porch
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We copy what is painted on the side of the larger pot then divide the lilac and plant the divisions in the new pots.
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Laying out weed mat. During the winter we keep the area behind the house uncluttered so that its easy to plow snow but in April, as the trees start to grow leaves, this area with good exposure to the sun all day, becomes a display area for Lilacs that are for sale. Weed mat provides a mud free, low maintenence surface to walk upon and soon will be covered with flowering plants.
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On left is at the farm looking east over the lilac fields. On right are Lilac divisions that if they start growing vigorously will be sold mail order.
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On the left, Through the red door is our mist propagation bench, break room and work shop. On the right, Plants in 7 gallon pots that we take cuttings from are stored in winter pot-in-pot with their roots surrounded by mulch. As the trees above this area leaf out we will pull the potted plants out and move them to driplines in the lower field.
Note the yellow labels marking those that flowered (some of these get cut back and remain in the field while others are divided to be sold mail order in 1 gallon pots (lilacsbymail.jpg) if they come out of dormancy and start growing vigorously). We pot them into 3 gallon pots and place them in the field under drip line. Once they flower I label it with an individually numbered yellow label with the name printed on it using a paint pen. Those that have to few stems are cut back and once they start to grow vigorously may be repotted in a larger pot (probably a 7 gallon).
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Above pictures of the coldframe in April. You can see our coldframe pictured above during other months of the year by clicking on the link below (in winter plants are stored in boxes on each side but as it warms up we will open the boxes when its warm or to water them, closing them at night). On the right is the front porch where I often sit in summer sipping a coffee I buy next door (you can see the weather proof box that has a handout inside). We rent the apartments to tenants that like being surrounded by the nursery.
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We open the cold box when its above freezing and close it when below (in spring we clean out leaves and seed that fell into the pots last fall before they were covered). When temperatures are consistantly above freezing we start using the cold box as a table with the plants that were stored inside now placed on top. When plants become available for sale I slap a price tag on and take the picture (no price tag? Not for sale yet).
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Through the red door is our mist propagation bench, break room and work shop. On the right are plants in 7 gallon pots that are stored in winter pot-in-pot with their roots surrounded by mulch. As the trees above this area leaf out we will pull the potted plants out and move them to a sunnier location.
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I stool layer many roses in 45 gallon pots, then check to see if the layers rooted in mid summer. We have only 1 'Harisons Yellow' layered as of April 2015 but plan to layer 4 more this summer (we only propagate Harisons Yellow from layers, root cuttings and divisions). If I get 10 or 15 layers a year from this rose I think thats pretty good, often enough I dont get any. We also layer 'Celestial' alba shown above in a 45 gallon pot but take heal cuttings in September and October as well. I am thinking that when cuttings dont root maybe I'll over-write the cuttings picture with a picture of a plant in a 45 gallon pot like these two above.
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Note the yellow labels marking those that flowered (some of these get cut back and remain in the field while others are divided to be sold mail order in 1 gallon pots (above right) if they come out of dormancy and start growing vigorously. We pot them into 3 gallon pots and place them in the field under drip line. Once they flower I label it with an individually numbered yellow label with the name printed on it using a paint pen. Those that have too few stems are cut back and once they start to grow vigorously may be repotted in a larger pot (probably a 7 gallon or 15 gallon). A few may be planted in 45 gallon pots and used to provide cuttings. On the right are Lilacs in 1 gallon pots where our larger lilacs that have previously flowered and been identified have been divided for mail order. They wont be for sale until I add a price label. Or if the sell I will stick a sold tag over the price.
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We open the cold box when its above freezing and close it when below (in spring we clean out leaves and seed that fell into the pots last fall before they were covered). The box keeps rabits, mice and deer from trimming the roses (the poison in the paper cuts kill any that still get in) while protecting pets from the poison. On the right above is the Hybrid Rugosa Rose 'Agnes' (either the plant we get cuttings from in a 45 gallon pot or if we have them maybe smaller plants in 1 gallon pots).
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We fertilize after the time that bulbs start blooming but before the time forsythia does (roses and lilacs get a handful of Rose tone each 7 gallon pot a bit less than 1 gallon a bit more for larger pots).
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Above and below are roses in April (either the plant we get cuttings from in a 45 gallon pot or if we have them maybe smaller plants in 1 gallon pots).
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Removed the bags from rose cuttings today. Looks like I will get around 50% rooted (4 cuttings in each pot). They are all here both those that rooted and those that didn't (see if you can tell which have rooted). I watered them with a water soluble fertilizer and will do it again in a couple of weeks. Click for a larger image.
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These pictures, taken on close to the same day in different years, can be compared (click the picture for a larger image and check the date in the lower right hand corner).
aprilsnowdrops2014small.jpg, aprilsnowdrops2015small.jpg (this year)
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'Kathleen Harrop' is a sport of 'Zephirine Drouhin' Bourbon Rambler.
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Fertilizing Lilacs
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Removing Lilac divisions from basement. After they sprout they'll be available for $15 each. Click the picture for a larger image and check the variety name written on the side of the pot. Click this link where you can read more about getting a couple of Lilacs by Mail.
Click for a larger image where you can see this plant starting to bud.
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Spring flowering bulbs help us to determine when Lilacs will bloom compared to last year. On the right are daylillies starting to grow up from the ground.
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These lilacs in three gallon pots are sold at the plant sale for $25 each. In winter we divide some that have been clearly labeled with an individually numbered yellow label when they were flowering, into one gallon pots for mail-order at $15 each.
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These 3 gallons are sold for $25 each once they have flowered and been labeled with an individually numbered yellow label.
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Flowers in the Nursery serve to remind us what time of the year it is and we can compare the flowering time this year with that of last year when estimating the time plants will bloom.
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In 2012 the Lilacs flowered April 20 due to eighty degree temperatures for around a week in March. In a more normal year we would expect Lilacs to flower around the middle of May. I notify subscribers if I open early.
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Purchased in 2013:
$200 Rose Tone
$200 Potting Soil
2800 Custom 7 gallon pots $133.00
About the ALL-PICTURE-NEWSLETTER by andyvancleve
Flowering Shrub Farm Monthly All Picture Newsletters; January February March April May 6 to 16 May 20 to 31 June 4 to 7 June 8 to 9 June 11 to 13 June 16 to 25 July August September October November December
People track what I am doing, how plants are growing and what's new by checking the pictures in my free picture-newsletter. I add new pictures of many of the crops of plants we are growing, closeups of flowers, fruit, fall foliage on plants for sale, and pictures of our Nursery Operation, to the most recent picture-newsletter practically every week at Send me an email telling me what plants you are interested in and I will try to comment about those varieties with pictures in the newsletter.
When they see something they like they come buy it in bloom.