Crop 246 of Flowering Shrub Farm Subscriber Only Picture Newsletter;

July 30, 2015

Reload this page in case your computer has it cached as I over write pictures frequently. I change the days date to the current one whenever I edit the page or add new pictures. Click on the picture and it may open a larger version with more detail.


julyfrontporchsmall.jpg, julyinbacksmall.jpg

Notice in this picture of the front porch that I have a letter in a waterproof box that includes my email address and cell phone numbers. Looking around back of the house you can see the barn where we sell Roses and Lilacs. Click on the picture and it may open a larger version with more detail. I replied to an email by creating a web page at that shows my rugosa catalog with a picture at the top (I usually only show that picture at the bottom of the page) showing those that remain for sale.

thisyearssmall.jpg, oneyearoldssmall.jpg

This years rooted cuttings (probably taken as cuttings last year) are cut back regularly so that the roots grow and fill the one gallon pot. I seperate the roses I am growing by year and save pictures of them as thisyears, oneyearolds and twoyearolds. The one year olds wont be available until next year. We fertilize them each month during the growing season, cutting them back in July (I hope to see flowers on many of these in June proving what variety they are). I add pictures to my checkup page linked below....


The two year olds are then seperated by type and pictures taken of ownrootalbas, ownrootgallicas, ownrootdamasks, etc.

The two year olds are available for sale once they have been clearly identified, maybe from the flower.

They will be further sorted by type including; alba, gallica, damask, centifolia, hybrid rugosa, climbers and more. Once they are identified I either place a sold sticker on the side with the buyers name or a price sticker (No sticker yet? Probably not identified).

ownrootalbassmall.jpg (click this link to go to a list of alba roses)

Each of these pictures are placed at the bottom of a list of roses of that type. You can also check the web page for the individual variety. You can click the picture and it will open a larger picture that can be studied more closely or saved as wallpaper.

ownrootgallicassmall.jpg (click this link to go to a list of gallica roses)

ownrootdamaskssmall.jpg (click this link to go to a list of damask roses)

ownrootcentifoliassmall.jpg (click this link to go to a list of centifolia & moss roses)

ownrootrugosassmall.jpg (click this link to go to a list of hybrid rugosa roses)

Check the date in the lower right hand corner of the picture to see if its recent. If its not a recent picture you should email me (link at bottom) and ask that I over-write it. You can click the picture and it will open a larger picture that can be studied more closely or saved as wallpaper.

lilacsbymailsmall.jpg, julyreddoorsmall.jpg

Last of the lilacs that we have available for mail-order (email me if you are interested). If you think you might want to buy lilacs next year tell me what varieties now so we can divide them next march. On the right are this years roses that I am cutting back so that their roots fill the one gallon pots and fertilizing once a month with Rose Tone.

july8small.jpg, soldtosmall.jpg

I cut back this rose for Jonathan Wells and fertilized it with rose tone so it fits the box better that I will ship it in. Below is a link to my mail order page where I have added a list of states and how we are required to ship plants to them (at the bottom of the page).


This page with a list of roses we send out to a greenhouse;

julyamericanpillarsmall.jpg, julyrosefoodsmall.jpg

In July I try to show pictures of the plants we are taking cuttings from, usually pointing at potentialy viable cuttings with a pencil. I was adding a handful of rose food to each one gallon rose today and two or three handfulls to larger pots. Many of the clippings I take as I cut back roses in one gallon pots will be sent to a greenhouse.

cuttingsanaissegalessmall.jpg july11small.jpg

The best cuttings are this years growth and thick as a pencil (the most viable cuttings will get stuck here on my own bench in two inch pots).

julyapothecaryssmall.jpg, cuttingsapothecaryssmall.jpg

I try to take cuttings that have a couple nodes beneath the soil that will produce roots and at least one above soil that has leaves. Because I already have a cuttings picture that shows multiple apothecarys roses in one gallon pots I have to show a picture of possible cuttings saved as the month followed by the variety name.

cuttingsroseraiedelhaysmall.jpg, cuttingssemiplenasmall.jpg

Sending cuttings out to a greenhouse in PA that will try to root them to sell back to us next spring. If we have a really terrible winter that kills cuttings that we stuck in-house to over winter in our cold boxes, these additional cuttings we send to a contract nursery in PA will insure that we still have plants (we dont sell them until they are at least two years old and been identified from the flower). Go to my disease resistant rose list to see which cuttings we have sent to PA, there will be a note in red (greenhouse, 7/14/2015 or other date).

cuttingshenryhudsonsmall.jpg, cuttingsfantinlatoursmall.jpg

Check out these varieties in the catalogs. When I start taking cuttings to stick in-house you will see pictures of cuttings in both one gallon pots with the name printed on the side and cuttings stuck in 2 inch pots with an abreviation on the side with a paint pen.



julyfeliciteparmentiersmall.jpg, cuttingsfeliciteparmentiersmall.jpg

julyfjgrootendorstsmall.jpg , cuttingsfjgrootendorstsmall.jpg

I was asked to propagate this rose; F.J. Grootendorst by some landscapers in NYC.


Another Rosa centifolia variety but not an old garden rose.



A Rosa damascena variety we usually have plenty of.



A Rosa gallica with very dark purple flowers.











About the ALL-PICTURE-NEWSLETTER by andyvancleve

Flowering Shrub Farm Monthly All Picture Newsletters; January February March April May 6 to 16 May 20 to 31 June 4 to 7 June 8 to 9 June 11 to 13 June 16 to 25 July August September October November December

Potential Customers subscribe. Each month I send them the latest email link to the newsletter, information as to what is blooming and sometimes an update telling them when I am open.

We grow plants to sell at our plant sale. Do we do mail order? Check my picture-newsletter Want to purchase? contact me

We grow plants to sell at our plant sale. Read my notes on the zone hardiness numbers I use. Do we do mail order? Check my picture-newsletter Want to purchase? email me.