Hardiness; The hardiness numbers associated with each variety of plant grown at Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm. Links at the bottom go to pages I have where I keep notes on each plant.

1 All of our mature plants in 7 gallon pots are grown outdoors during winter and so can be said to be locally hardy (though we are zone 5, there have been many years where we haven't had extremely cold temperatures). Go to /page28.htm for a picture of some our potted plants growing in an outdoor winter storage area.

2. The hardiness numbers (in each picture) that I use are those used in references to the plant I have seen in literature (I check several sources, and though only one is used in the picture try to show the other sources in my notes. Whenever possible the title of the reference together with the author is provided somewhere in the web page.

4. I have found, when visiting gardens, that hardy plants most often die, because they have no drainage, or they have drainage but no one waters them, that mice and other chewing animals will girdle roses that are not planted at the right depth, and borer insects, if left unchecked (all you have to do is prune away the damaged stem), can kill shrubs over a 2 year period. I have responded to these observations by planting in raised beds with soaker hoses and planting the roses at the right depth in a large pot (many will plant real shallow in a small pot).

Questions? Email me

5. The example below (note the various hardiness figures) with a picture is at www.floweringshrubfarm.com/crop025.htm

Crop # 025 Fru Dagmar Hastrup (Picture of) sometimes called Frau Dagmar Hartopp Hybrid Rugosa Rose, (zones 3-8, McKeon, 109), (zones 3-10, Wilde, 150), (zones 3-8, Ondra, 137), (zone 4, Phillips & Rix, 185), 3 feet x 3 feet, recurrent pink single flowers almost continually if dead-headed, irrigated and fertilized regularly, introduced around 1914, Excellent hedge rose.

Research links below:

Rose list A through H (rosea2h) Rose list I through M (rosei2m) Rose list N through Z (rosen2z) Lilacs A to Z or lilaca2z