My Notes on Every Rose I to M or rosei2m, last edited Tuesday, June 23, 2015 09:55 AM.

by andyvancleve

This is a list of roses I've seen a picture of in a book (together with Title, author and page number). A bibliography is at the bottom.

The following list reviews the content of Rose Books directly by Rose Name. During Winter (when we have less work to do in our nursery) I look up in books that I have been able to obtain through the Library Loan System ; roses and lilacs, then in parenthesis, following the name, show the book title, author and page number on which a photo of that rose or lilac may be found (I also show how hardy the plant is according to each author recognizing it maybe hearsay). I believe that the internet is not always the best way to find rose information. There are just to many sources and no way of prioritizing a list on a search engine other than by advertising dollars or pure chance (I have proved this again and again by doing searches only to find the nursery with the plant not listed). I believe that the most important contribution a Rose book can make is to show pictures of the rose and how it is being used by the author in landscaping. Its important to acknowledge the reputation of hardiness these plants have without giving that reputation undue emphasis as it may be hearsay. I also take notes that might persuade you or me, one way or the other; to purchase or pass it by (zone, disease resistance, comments on growth habit or vigor). Pictures of Roses or Lilacs we grow in our nursery also have links from this page.

Broken into 3 pages the other 2 are; Roses A to H, Roses N to Z.

Where the name is enlarged like; 'Henry Kelsey' ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 181, zones 2-10, DR-1/0), we are growing it but have not yet provided a link or the link is under another name.


Iceberg ("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim, 25 & 93), ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 22), ("David Austin's English Roses" Austin, 26), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 31, sh137), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 55), white floribunda, kordes 1958, #0

Ilse Krohn Superior ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 182, zones 4-10, DR-2/0), 10x5, Golden Glow x R. kordesii, kordes1957, white double,

Immensee ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 115, zones 4-10, DR0/0), white and pink shrub, 1.5 feet x 6 feet, 1983, the fairy x R. wichurianna, blooms in spring (flowers on old wood only), #0

Impatient ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 120, zones 5-9),

Ingred Bergman, red hybrid tea, fragrant, Poulsen 1985, #3

Irene Watts ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:328

Irish FireFlame ("Designing With Roses" Lord, fl90)

Irresistible (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 186, zones 5-10), Miniature

Isaac Pereire #0

'ISPAHAN' Old Damask Rose, Ispahan or Isfahan or Pompon des Princes or Parfum d'Ispahan ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 48, zone5(-13f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 120, zones 3-8), (Cruse, 48), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:186), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 44, zones 5-9), ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 132, zone 3, non-recurrent, ),pink damask, 5 feet tall, 2.5 inch flowers, fragrant, blooms in spring (flowers on old wood only), 0/0(1995), <1832, pg 317, #0

J.H. Nichols see Dr. J.H. Nichols

J P Connell ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 141, zones 3-10, DR-2/0), 4x4 feet, repeats, yellow flowers,

Jacotte ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 103), disease resistant,

Jacqueline du Pre (Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 190, zone 5(-20 f)),

Jacques Cartier ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 121, zones 4-9), ("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim, 45), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:192), ("The Art of Gardening with Roses" Thomas, sh130), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 141, zones 4-10, DR-1/0), 3X2, pink portland, #4

James Mason ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 37, zone5), ("Roses" Beales, 143), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 60), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 159), Beales 1982, 'Scharlachglut' x 'Tuscany Superb', 5X4

James Veitch ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 23), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 66), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:179), Moss Rose, Philippe-Victor Verdier 1864,

Janet's Pride or Clementine ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 195, zone5(-15 f)), Paul 1892, midsummer bloom, pink semi-double,

Jans Wedding, #1

Jayne Austin, yellow english, graham thomas x tamora, #0

Jean Bach Sisley ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 151, zone 6, recurrent),

Jeanne d'Arc or Rosa anglica minor or Small Double White ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 52, zone4(-30f)), 1818 Alba, 5 feet

Jeanne d'Arc ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 34, Noisette, zone 7, recurrent),

Jean Kenneally (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 187, zones 5-10), Miniature

Jeanne Lajoie (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 201, zones 5-10), climbing miniature with pink flowers, small double flowers with 40 petals, The roses that it was bred from include a second generation new dawn hybrid, a zone 6 Kordes floribunda, a second generation Dorothy Perkins Hybrid and a zone 6 miniature. This would support my belief that it is disease resistant, but it has a tendency to die back in our zone 5 climate even though it is considered zone 5, So grow it own root and chop it back to 4 inches every year adding a good compost for regrowth. It blooms on new wood. #10

Jaune Desprez ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 162, Noisette, zone 7, recurrent),

Jenny Duval ("Classic Roses" Beales, 159), 18th century, 4X3

JENS MUNK Hybrid Rugosa Rose, Jens Munk ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 185, zone 3(-40 f)), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 155), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 143, zones 2-10, DR-0/0), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 139, zones 2-8), (hr/6feet/pink/semi-double/3inches), Hybrid Rugosa, x3 feet, Red Rugosa rose hybrid,

'JOHN_CABOT'_Explorer Rose (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 123, zones 3-9), (Hk/8feet/red-purple/double/3inch), red explorer, 6x6, 1978, DR 0/0 (which means immune to black spot and mildew at Azalea House), check the one at Yonder in the garden, (A+), ( catalog ) Picture comparing the flowers cut from several roses and photographed together including; Apothecary's Rose, Blanc Double de Coubert, Country Dancer, Dr Huey, Harison's Yellow, John Cabot, Leda, Magnifica, Therese Bugnet, William Baffin.

'JOHN_DAVIS'_Explorer Rose, John Davis ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 76, 182, zones 3-10, DR-0/2), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 124, zones 3-9), (hk/7feet/pink/double/4inch), pink explorer, 1986 , (A-),

John F Kennedy, white hybrid tea, 4 feet tall, 6 inch flowers with 50 petals, fruity fragrance, 1965, #0

John Franklin, red explorer, 1980,

John Hopper ("The Art of Gardening With Roses" Thomas, sh64),("Classic Roses" Beales, 371) Red Double Hybrid perpetual, 1862

John Russell ("Designing With Roses" Lord, fl91),

Joseph's Coat (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 213, zones 5-9), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 291), ("Growing Roses For Small Gardens" Gibson, plate #6), climber

Josephine Bruce ("Classic Roses" Beales, 389)

Judy Fischer ("Growing Roses For Small Gardens" Gibson, plate #8)

Julia Mannering ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 40), Light Pink Single or Semi Double Fragrant Eglantine, Penzance 1895,

Juno ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 61, zone5(-13f)lovely low growing rose), (Cruse, 36), ("Classic Roses" Beales, flower:168, shrub:169), Centifolia, 1832, 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide,

Juranville ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 102),

Just Joey ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 209, Hybrid tea by Cants in 1972, zone5(-20 f)), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 83, zones 5-9), ("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim, 68), apricot colored, #3

Kaitlyn Ainsley Hybrid Rugosa, Semi-double, Mauve, 1998. Hybrid of Frau Damar Hastrup x Roseraie de l'Hay. Introduced by Joanne Baskerville in Merritt, Brittish Columbia, CA. To purchase you can try or North Creek Farms, 24 Sebasco Rd., Phippsburg, Maine 04562

Kaleidoscope ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 194, 1999 shrub rose by Walden, zone6(-10 f)), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 166, 1998 shrub by Walden, zones 5-10), 2-4feet, double 3inch copper flowers,

Kardinal ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 124, zones 5-9),

Kassel ("Classic Roses" Beales, 291)

Katharina Zeimet ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 32),

Kathleen (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 129, zones 6-9), (hm/8feet/light-pink/single/1.5inches)

Kathleen Harrop 'Kathleen Harrop' ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 184, zones 5-10, DR-1/1), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:343), pink double, sport of zepherine drouhin, 10x6, shade tolerant, continuous blooming, Bourbon, Dickson1919 ( catalog )

Kathryn Morley ("David Austin's English Roses" Austin, 10 & 56), pink english, mary rose x chaucer, one of my favorites, (B+), #0

KAZANLIK Damask Rose, 'Kazanlik' (Classic Roses" Beales, fl:186), ( catalog )

Kew Rambler ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 156, zone 5(-20 f)), ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 8), 20 feet, rambler, bright pink single flowers in clusters, 1912,

Kiftsgate ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 193, zones 6-10, DR-0/0), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 77, fllf:256), r.filipes, 30x20, shade tolerant, My mother planted this on a bank in her garden and some years it gets burned back to the ground by 25 below zero temperatures. When its a milder winter or its under snow we'll get a big surprise come spring.

King Tut, yellow climbing miniature, 7 feet, #0

Knock Out (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 166, zones 4-9), reddish shrub, 3 feet tall, 3.5 inch flowers with 7 petals, carefree beauty hybrid,

KONIGIN VON DANEMARK Alba Rose, 'Konigin von Danemark' or Queen of Denmark or Naissance de Venus("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 52, zone4(-30f)one of the best), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 124, zones 3-8), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 167, zones 3-10, DR-0/0), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 153), (Scanniello, 64), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:201), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 76) (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 35, zone 4-8), Alba rose, introduced 1826, ( catalog )

Kristin (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 187, zones 5-10), Miniature

Kronprincessin Viktoria, Brenham White, ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 177, zone 6, recurrent, bourbon rose), a sport of Souvenir de la Malmaison

L.D. Braithwaite ("David Austin's English Roses" Austin, 40 & 79), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 167, zones 5-9), red english, 5 feet tall, 3.5 inch flowers, the squire x mary rose, #0

La Belle Distinguee (Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 189, zone 5(-20 f)),

La Belle Sultane or Violacea, La Belle Sultane or Violacea ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 34, zone5), ("Roses" Beales, 151, R. gallica violacea), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 60), ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 64), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 160), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 54, zones 4-8) Hybrid gallica, semi-double purplish flowers up to 5 inches across, introduced 1795, 5X4 ( catalog )

La Marne (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 145, zones 6-9), (polyantha/6feet/pink/single and semi-double/2inches/ff)

Lamarque ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 12, ),

La Reine Victoria (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 37, zone 5-9), 4 to 6 foot Bourbon, pink 3.5 inch double flowers,

La Sevillanna ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 125, zones 6-9), , orange floribunda, z6, #0

La Ville de Bruxelles or Ville de Bruxelles (Cruse, 49), (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 103), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:186), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page45, zones 5-9), 1849, Damask rose, 4 feet by 4 feet

Lace Cascade (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 213, zones 5-9), , white climber, 7 feet tall, iceberg x prairie fire, 1993, #5

Lady Alice Stanley ("Designing With Roses" Lord, fl90)

Lady Banks Rose, Rosa banksiae ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 39, ),

Lady Hillingdon (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 103), ("David Austin's English Roses" Austin, 17), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 353),

Lady Mary Fitzwilliam ("Classic Roses" Beales, 39),

Lady Penzance ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 40), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:58, sh:206), Eglantine, Penzance 1894,

Lady Romsey ("Classic Roses" Beales, 300)

Lady Sylvia ("Classic Roses" Beales, 390)

Lady of The Dawn, pink floribunda, z6, 4 feet tall, 3 inch flowers with 15 petals, #0

Lady Ursula ("Designing With Roses" Lord, fl89)

Lady Waterlow ("Classic Roses" Beales, 390, 387)

La France ("Classic Roses" Beales, 39), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 89)

Lafter ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 95), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 291), Hybrid tea introduced by Brownell in 1948, rosgenjac x rosdrwvan x rosvfovic, DR

Lamarque (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 104), ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 35), ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 86) (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 67, zones 7-10), ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 35 & 161, Noisette, zone 7, recurrent),

La Mortola ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 145), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:255),

Laneii ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 66),

La Reine ("Classic Roses" Beales, 373)

La Reine Victoria ("Roses of America" Scanniello, 76), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:337), Bourbon

Laure Davoust or L'Abbandonata or Marjorie W Lester ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 155, zone 7(0 f)), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 96, 102), Multiflora Rambler also sometimes called 'Abbandonata'

Lavaglut #0

Lavender Dream ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 125, zones 5-9), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 167, zones 4-9), 3-5feet, semi-double, 3inch lavender-pink flowers, #0

Lavender Lassie ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 126, zones 5-9), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 174) (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 129, zones 6-9), (hm/8feet/lavender/double/3inches/f), {P}

La Ville de Bruxelles ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 49, zone5(-13f), the best), 1849 Damask,

Lawrence Johnston ("Classic Roses" Beales, 134), R. foetida

Leander (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 168, zones 5-9), 5-7feet, 12-14feet w/support, peach-pink, double, 3inch, fragrant flowers.

'LEDA'_Old Damask Rose, Leda or Painted Damask ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 44, zone5(-13f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 126, zones 3-8), ("The Art of Gardening with Roses" Thomas, sh73), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:187), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 80) ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 142, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page45, zones 4-9), 3x4 feet, pink to white with red edge, damask shrub, spring bloom, DR 0/0, 1827, ( catalog )

Lemon Blush ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 56, zone4(-30f)), Alba x Kordesii hybrid in 1988 by Sievers in Germany, early summer bloom, flowers are pale yellow that fade to cream, ff, 5 feet,

Lemon gems, #0

Lemon zest #0

Leontine Gervais ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 151, zone 7(0 f)), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 104), 1903

Le Rire Niais or A l'Odeur de Punaise ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 60, zone5(-13f)), ("The Art of Gardening with Roses" Thomas, sh141)

leverkusen, Leverkussen ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 184, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), ("Classic Roses" Beales, sh:224), yellow climber, 10x8, yellow, continuous bloom, shade tolerant, ff, kordesii x golden glow, Kordes1954, ( catalog )

Le Vesuve ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 145, zone 7, recurrent),

Lexington ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 116, zones 4-10, DR2/1), 2.5x3, yellow

Lichterloh ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 68),

Lichkonigin LuciaLichtkonigin Lucia ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 30), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, sh84, 166, zones 4-10, DR-1/0), Kordes, 1966, yellow, 5x4, continuous, ( catalog )

Lillian Austin ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 127, zones 5-9), ("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim, 22), ("David Austin's English Roses" Austin, 59), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 168, zones 5-9), Aloha x Yeoman, 3-4 feet, semi-double and double 5inch salmon-pink flowers, #1

Lili Marlene ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 127, zones 5-9), Kordes1959

Linda Campbell ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 168, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 139, zones 4-9), (hr/6feet/10feet on support/red/double/3inch), red hybrid rugosa, rugosa magnifica hybrid, (A+),

Little Artist (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 188, zones 5-10), Miniature

Little Gem ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 70, zone5(-20f)1854 Miniature Damask Moss by Paul in 1880, 3 feet),

Little White Pet ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:305) (Rosa sempervirens 'Felicite Perpetuae' sport but classed by the ARS with polyanthas because they share many characteristics. I wonder if the ARS will continue to classify roses by similar characteristics until the original meaning of polyantha is lost in obscurity?)

Livin Easy, orange salmon floribunda, #0

Long Tall Sally, white shrub 5 to 8 petals in clusters, All that jazz x R. soulieana, 2001, #0

Lord Scarman ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 37, zone5),

Louis XIV ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:329)

Louis Philippe (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 42, zones 7-10) China Rose, 3x3, double red flowers (3"),

Louise Odier ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 128, zones 5-9), ("David Austin's English Roses" Austin, 16), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:337) ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 80) (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 38, zone 5-10) ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 144, zones 5-10, DR-3/0), 4 to 8 foot pink Bourbon, #0 {P}

Love ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 128, zones 5-9),

Loving Touch (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 188, zones 5-10), Miniature

Lucetta ("David Austin's English Roses" Austin, 38, 47 & 69)

Lykkefund ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 7),

Lyon Rambler ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 88),

Mabel Morrison ("Classic Roses" Beales, 38, 371),

Macartney Rose ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 21, ),

Madame Abel Chatenay, Mme Abel Chatenay ("Classic Roses" Beales, 392)

Madame Alfred Carriere, Mme Alfred Carriere ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 102, zone 7(0 f)), ("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim, 16), (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 104), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 89), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 348), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 67, zones 6-10), ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 28 & 167, Noisette, zone 6, remontant), Noisette

Madame Butterfly, Mme Butterfly ("Classic Roses" Beales, 391)

Maggie ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 33 & 180, Bourbon Rose, zone 6, recurrent),

Magic Carrousel (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 189, zones 5-10), miniature

Marquise Boccella ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 209, zone 4, recurrent, Hybrid Perpetual)

Martin Frobisher ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 184, zone 3(-35 f)), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 168, zones 2-10, DR-1/0), Schneezwerg hybrid from Svejda 1968, hybrid rugosa, 5x4, continuous bloom, creamy pink double flowers, fff

Mme Caroline Testout ("Classic Roses" Beales, 38, 64),

Madame Charles Frederic Worth, Mme Charles Frederic Worth ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 48), Schwartz 1889,

Mme Cochet-Cochet ("Designing With Roses" Lord, fl92)

Mme Cornelissen ("Roses of America" Scanniello, 76), Bourbon rose

MME DE LA ROCHE-LAMBERT Moss Rose, Madame Delaroche-Lambert, Mme Delaroche-Lambert, ("The Art of Gardening With Roses" Thomas, sh61), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:180), Moss Rose, 1851, 4 to 5 feet tall, mid summer flush of bloom followed by a continuous production of later flowers, Thomas seems to think it a hybrid of the Perpetual Damask Moss, good scent, ( catalog )

Mme Edouard Herriot ("Classic Roses" Beales, 392)

Mme Ernst Calvat or Madame Ernest Calvat - Ive seen both spellings, Pink Bourbon, (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 38, zones 5-9), ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 55 pegged, page 178, Bourbon rose and sport of Madame Isaac Pereire, zone 5, slightly recurrent),{P}

Mme Gabriel Luizet ("Classic Roses" Beales, 361)

Mme Georges Bruant ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:244), Hybrid Rugosa, 1887, rugosa X 'Sombreuil', 5X4,

Madame Gregoire Staechelin, Mme Gregoire Staechelin ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 88), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 392)

'MADAM_HARDY'_Old Damask Rose, Madame Hardy, Mme Hardy ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 129, zones 4-8), ("The Art of Gardening With Roses" Thomas, sh58), (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 104), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 157), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 55), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 46, zones 5-8), white Damask, fragrant flowers in spring (flowers on old wood only), named for the wife of the head gardener for the Empress Josephine (Mr Hardy), (A+), ( catalog )

Madame Isaac Pereire, Mme Isaac Pereire ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 130, zones 5-9), (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 104), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:338) (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 39, zones 6-9), ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 176, zone 5, slightly recurrent),

Mme Joseph Schwartz ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 57)

Mme Jules Gravereaux ("Classic Roses" Beales, 354)

Mme. Laurette Messimy ("Roses of America" Scanniello, 70), China Rose introduced by Guillot Fils in 1887

Mme Lauriol de Barny ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:338)

Madame Legras de St. Germain, Mme Legras de St. Germain ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 55, zone4(-30f)), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 153), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 35, zone 3-8), Alba rose, 1848, 15 feet when supported otherwise 6 feet, double white yellowish in center, ff, ( catalog )

Madame Leonie Viennot ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 23, ),

Mme Louis Leveque, sometimes grown as Gloire des Mousseuses ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, sh69, zone5(-20f)1898 Moss), ("Classic Roses" Beales, sh:173),

Mme. Pierre Oger ("Roses of America" Scanniello, 75), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 83) (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 39, zones 6-10), Bourbon Rose {P}

Madame Plantier, Alba Rose, Madame Plantier, Mme Plantier ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, sh54, zone5(-15f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 130, zones 4-8), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 185, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 65), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:201), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 84), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 47, zones 4-8), ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 63 propagation by layering, page 134, zone 4, non-recurrent), hybrid alba, 1835, 12X8, fff, white, shade tolerant, june bloomer, ( catalog )

Mme Sancy de Parabere or Mme de Sancy de Parabere ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 185, zones 5-10, DR-1/0), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 61, fllf:226), Bonnet1874, 15x10, shade tolerant, june bloomer, pink double, ff,

Mme Zoetmans ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 45, zone5(-13f)), ("The Art of Gardening With Roses" Thomas, 63), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:339), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 63), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 47, zones 5-9), Damask rose to 3 feet tall, double white fragrant flowers (3"), Marest 1830,

Magenta ("Classic Roses" Beales, 292)

Magic Carpet, lavender groundcover, 2x4, 2 inch flowers with 5 petals, glossy foliage, #0

Magic Carrousel ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 131, zones 5-9), Maggie ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 86), ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 87),

Magna Charta ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 80), introduced by Paul in 1876,

'MAGNIFICA'_Hybrid Rugosa Rose, Magnifica (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 141, zones 4-8), (hr/5feet/red-purple/double/4inches/ff), ( catalog )

Maidens Blush or Small Maiden's Blush ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 131, zones 3-8), Alba, may be a sport of 'Great Maiden's Blush', introduced Kew Gardens 1797, {P}

Maiden's Blush ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 152), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 27), Alba Rose

Maigold ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 132, zones 5-9), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 125), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 143), Poulsen's Pink x Fruhlingstag, Kordes1953

Mai Kwa ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 181, zone 5(-20 f)), 6 feet, dating back to the Sung Period (960-1279AD), rugosa like leaves,

Malvern Hills ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 148, zone 6(-10f)), 10 feet, introduced by David Austin in 2000,

Mannings Blush ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:207),

Marchenland ("Classic Roses" Beales, 292)

Marchesa Boccella (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 104), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 59, zones 5-9), Hybrid perpetual up to 6 feet tall, pink double fragrant flowers up to 4 inches across,

Marechal Niel ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 165, zone 8, remontant),

Margaret Merril ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:302)

Marie Louise ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 20), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:187), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 46, zones 4-9) Damask, double fragrant pink,

Marie Pavie ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 19), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 145, zones 5-9), (polyantha/4feet/white/semi-double and double/2inches/ff)

Marechal Davoust ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:180),

Marechal Niel ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 22),

Margot Koster, orange polyantha, small flowers with 25 to 30 petals in clusters, 1931, #0

Marguerite Hilling (Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 191, zone 5(-20 f)), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:234) ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 182) a pink sport of Nevada introduced by Hilling of England in 1959. semi double rose pink. ( catalog )

Mariandel ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 45),

Marie de Blois ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, sh69, zone5(-20f)1832 Moss),

Marie Louise ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 46, zone5(-13f)),

Marijke Koopman ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 133, zones 5-9),

Marjorie Fair ("Classic Roses" Beales, 293), ("Growing Roses For Small Gardens" Gibson, plate #4)

Martha Gonzales ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 155, zone 7, recurrent),

Mary Rose ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 133, zones 5-9), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 169, zones 5-9), 4-6feet, double, 5inch, pink flowers, ff

Master Hugh ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:228),

Martin Frobisher {P}

Max Graf ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 181, zone 4(-30 f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 134, zones 4-8), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 116, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), Hybrid Rugosa, 2x8, pink,

May Queen ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 128), Rambler

Meg ("Classic Roses" Beales, 391)

Mermaid ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 134, zones 6-9), ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 123, zone 7, remontant, ), Hybrid Bracteata introduced by Paul 1918,

Miss America ("Designing With Roses" Lord, fl92),

Martha Gonzales ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 14),

Mary Queen of Scots ("Classic Roses" Beales, 144),

Mary Rose ("David Austin's English Roses" Austin, 22, 48 & 55), pink english, #0

Max Graf ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 53), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 140, zones 3-8), (kordesii/2feet/pink/single/3inches), Bowditch 1919, R. rugosa x R. wichuraiana,

May Queen ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 158, zone 6(-10 f)), ("David Austin's English Roses" Austin, 66), 1898 cross of R. wichuranna x Bourbon Rose,

Medalion ("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim, 28), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 105), Salmon Hybrid tea, south seas x kings ransome, #5

Meg Merrilees ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:89, sh:207),

Memorial Day

Mermaid ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 10), ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 69), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 406), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 48, zones 7-10), Hybrid Bracteata, single flowers up to 6 inches across, up to 30 feet tall, yellow

Midas Touch ("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim, 69), yellow Hybrid Tea, 4 feet tall, 4 inch flowers with 25 petals, brandy x friesensohn, #0

Millie Walters (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 189, zones 5-10), miniature

Minette {P}

Minnehaha ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 159, zone 4(-30 f)), 1904, deep pink in tight clusters, rambler, 12 feet,

Minnie Pearl (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 190, zones 5-9), pink miniature, 20 inches tall, medium flowers with 35 petals, #0

Miss Edith Cavell ("Classic Roses" Beales, 298) polyantha

Miss Flippins (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 190, zones 5-10), miniature, red

Mister Lincoln ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 135, zones 5-9), ("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim, 31), red hybrid Tea, 5 feet tall, 6 inch flowers with 40 petals, chrysler imperial x charles mallerin, #0

Mix n Match, pink shrub, small flowers in clusters, 2000, #0

Mojave, orange blend hybrid tea, #0

Moje Hammarberg ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 186, zone 4(-30 f)), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 144, zones 3-10, DR-0/0), violet rugosa hybrid, 25 petals, #10 ( catalog )

Mons Tillier ("Classic Roses" Beales, 355) (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 71, zones 7-10), tea rose, up to 6 feet tall, double flowers up to 5 inches across, pink

Montblanc Hybrid Rugosa,

Monte Casino Hybrid Rugosa, {P}

Monte Rosa Hybrid Rugosa,

MoonLight ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 192) (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 12, 130, zones 6-9), (hm/8feet/ivory to white/single and semi-double/2inches/f), white semi double to single. pemberton 1913, vigorous can be used as a climber..{P}

Moon Shadow, hybrid tea, has survived in Yonder Farms garden without protection for 4 or 5 years now.#0

Morden Blush ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 192, zone3(-40 f)), pink fading to ivory, 3 feet tall, 3 inch flowers with 50 petals, I think the habit is to lax, prairie princess x morden amorette, #0

Morden Centennial ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 136, zones 3-9), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 169, zones 3-9), pink, 4 feet tall, 4 inch flowers with 40 petals, prairie princess x white bouquet x fargo x assiniboine, though hardy and a pretty flower it gets black spot so I dont like it. Morden Centennial died in the Azalea House Natural Garden (Try John Franklin that didn't).

Morden Fireglow, orange red, 4 feet tall, 3 inch flowers with 28 petals, morden cardenette x seedling, sometimes the buds wont open by themselves #0

Morletti ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:225),

Mothersday, re polyantha, grootendorst 1949, #0

Mountain Snow ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 147, zone 5(-20f)),

Mountbatten ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:303)

Mousseux du Japon or Japonica or Moussu du Japon or Muscosa Japonica ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 70, zone5(-20f) Moss of unknown origin, 3 feet),

Mrs Aaron Ward ("Classic Roses" Beales, 392)

Mrs Anthony Waterer (my 3 fingers shown in this photo with the flower are 3.5 inches accross making the flower around 4 inches. , Hybrid Rugosa, red ( catalog )

Mrs. B. R. Cant ("Roses of America" Scanniello, 73), ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 86), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 72, zones 7-10) Tea Rose introduced by Cant in 1901, up to 8 feet tall, double flowers up to 4 inches across,

Mrs Charles Bell ("Designing With Roses" Lord, fl90)

Mrs Colville ("Classic Roses" Beales, 47),

Mrs Doreen Pike ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 184, zone 4(-30 f)), (AUSdor), Rugosa introduced by David Austin in 1993, Martin Frobisher x Roseraie de l'Hay, double flat quartered silvery pink yellowish eye good scent,

Mrs. Dudley Cross ("Roses of America" Scanniello, 73), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 72, zones 7-10) Tea Rose introduced by Wm. Paul & Sons in 1907, (8feet/double/white/4inches)

Mrs. John Laing ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 68), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 372) pink hybrid perpetual, 3x2, nearly thornless, cupped fully double very fragrant #0 {P}

Mrs Oakley Fisher ("Classic Roses" Beales, 381)

Mrs R M Finch (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 146, zones 6-9), (polyantha/4feet/pink/semi-double and double/2inches/f)

Mt. Hood, white hybrid tea, sexy rexy x pot o gold, #0

Mutabilis, Tipo Ideale, The Butterfly Rose ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 137, zones 6-9), ("The Art of Gardening with Roses" Thomas, sh98), (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 104), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:330)("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 87) ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 162), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 50, zones 7-10), ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 152, zone 7, recurrent), China Rose up to 5 feet tall, 2 inch single flowers, China Roses often grow back from the roots when killed back in a climate harsher tan they are hardy to.

Mystic ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 117, zones 4-10, DR-1/1), 2.5x2.5, pink,

My Sunshine (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 191, zones 5-10), miniature, yellow,

N through Z (rosen2z)


The prescence of a book on this list does not indicate that I agree with the methods or information provided by the author. Its just that they have a picture of the rose in question on the page indicated. These books were chosen either because they were already in my library, a picture was included that I'd had some difficulty finding, or because I try to pick as diverse books as possible not knowing what will be easily available to you where you are. Each book has a little blurb by me at the end that you might take as a short review.

("Roses of America" Scanniello), "Roses of America" by Stephen Scanniello and Tania Bayard, photography by Albert Squillace, The Brooklyn botanic Gardens guide to our national flower. copyright 1990 by Sammis. publishing Corp., ISBN 0-8050-1241-9, A+, well done, good source. Stephen and Company has done it again. current page I'm cataloging on is 94. Planting where another rose has been:page 173, Pruning:178, training a rambler:page 180, winter protection for climbers, tree roses etc:190.

("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde), "Growing Roses Organically" by Barbara Wilde, Illustrations by Michael Gellatly and Adam McCauley, Distributed in the Book Trade by St. Martins Press, ISBN 0-87596-880-5, A+, well done, All done.

("The Art of Gardening With Roses" Thomas), "The Art of Gardening With Roses" by Graham Stuart Thomas with Photographs by Bob Gibbons a John Macrae Book, Henry Holt and Company, New York 1991, ISBN 0-8050-1533-7, A+, I love this book.

("Roses, Old Roses and Species Roses" Cruse), "Roses Old Roses and Species Roses", Photographs by Paul Starosta, Text by Eleonore Cruse, ISBN 3-8228-7761-1 printed in Italy beautifully intense photos.

("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim), "The Natural Rose Gardener" by Lance Walheim many pictures I couldn't find elsewhere.

(Sunset Book "Roses" White), "Roses" by Hazel White published by Sunset ISBN 0-376-03659-1

("Climbing Roses Of The World" Quest-Ritson), "Climbing Roses Of The World" by Charles Quest-Ritson Timber Press 2003, ISBN 0-88192-563-2, A+, A really fine source. many pictures I couldn't find elsewhere. A well designed book that I am glad to have in my personal Library. Well worth the $35 I paid.

("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's), "500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" published in 1999 by Barron's Educational Series ISBN 0-7641-0851-4 many pictures I couldn't find elsewhere.

("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra). "Beautiful American Rose Gardens" by Mary Tonetti Dorra, photographs by Richard Felber, Clarkson Potter publishers in New York. copyright 1999 by Mary Tonetti Dorra, photographs copyright 1999 by Richard Felber ISBN 0 -- 609 -- 60080 -- X although it has many fine pictures its propensity toward hybrid teas and the confusion innate in every photo as far as identifying which rose is which, makes this book hard to use.

("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt), "The Organic Rose Garden" by Liz Druitt, Photography by Virginia Brown, Taylor Publishing Co., Dallas, Copyright 1996, ISBN 0-87833-906-X, A+, I enjoyed reading this years ago. It still is filled with all sorts of good information. One thing to remember is that she gardens in Texas (a milder climate than the Northeast).

("David Austin's English Roses" Austin), "David Austin's English Roses" by David Austin, Photographs by Clay Perry, text copyright 1993 by David Austin, published by Conran Octopus Limited in Great Britain, ISBN 0-316-05975-7 A+, current page I'm on is 96.

("Designing With Roses" Lord), "Designing With Roses" Tony Lord, Copyright Frances Lincoln Limited 1999, Text Copyright by Tony Lord in 1999, Trafalgar Square Publishing, North Pomfret, VT 05053, ISBN 1-57076-148-5, A+, showing high quality pictures of the whole plant combined with perennials, shrubs and more. Im done. Every rose picture is now listed here.

("Classic Roses" Beales), "Classic Roses" by Peter Beales, published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston of 383 Madison Avenue in New York City 10017, Copyright in 1985 by Peter Beales, ISBN 0-03-006022-2, A+, I got this copy through the interlibrary loan system from Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Deleware Ave, Delmar, NY 12054. Certainly one of the most comprehensive works dedicated to the Rose. I'm done. Every rose picture is in this list. (out of 432 pages).

("Growing Roses For Small Gardens" Gibson), "Growing Roses For Small Gardens" by Michael Gibson, published by Timber Press, 9999 S.W. Wilshire, Portland, Oregon 97225 1990, ISBN 0-88192-186-6, Got this directly from Timber Press in 1991.

(Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra), Taylor's Guides "Roses" by Nancy J. Ondra, published by Houghton Mifflin Company, ISBN 0-618-06888-0, good pictures and hardiness zones. I'm on page 191.

("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon), "The Encyclopedia of Roses" by Judith C. McKeon, published by Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA 18098 ISBN 0-87596-656-X, Got this from The Voorheesville Public Library in Voorheesville, NY 12186. At the time this book was published the author was chief horticulturist at the Morris Arboretum and in charge of the Arboretum Rose garden.

("Roses" Beales), "Roses" by Peter Beales, A John Macrae Book, Henry Holt and Company, New York 1992, ISBN 0-8050-2053-5, Borrowed from the Yonder Farms Library.

("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix), "Best Rose Guide" by Roger Phillips & Martyn Rix, A Firefly Book, Firefly Books (US) Inc., P.O. Box 1338, Ellicott Station, Buffalo, New York 14205. 2004, ISBN 1-55297-844-3, Got it from the New book section at the Guilderland Library, Rt. 20 in Guilderland, NY on April 1, 2005. Dont know that its the best Guide but it's pretty good and has many fabtastic pictures. Am now on Marie de Blois ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, sh69, zone5(-20f)1832 Moss),

("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup), "Landscaping with Antique Roses" by Liz Druitt & G. Michael Shoup, The Taunton Press, Inc, 63 South Main Street, Box 5506, Newtown CT 06470-5506 1992. ISBN 0-942391-64-0. Got it from the Deleware Branch of the Albany Public Library in Albany, NY. Really good, shows pruning, training and pictures how it should be used in Landscape.

I, Andrew Van Cleve am one of the owner operators of Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm in Voorheesville, NY 12186. We grow Roses, Lilacs and other flowering shrubs into 3 to 5 gallon pots for wholesale locally. There are 2 gardens I test roses locally in. The Yonder Farms Garden that uses a combination of Organic and Scientific (chemical) Farming methods. The Azalea House Garden that outlines their growing methods in a special web page on cultural practices.


Remontant Roses that bloom heavily in early summer, then have another flush of bloom in early fall.

Pralinage is coating the roots of a bare root rose by dipping in a mixture of water, garden soil and aged manure. The method maintains protection from dessication during the planting process and provides a non burning source of fetility to the freshly planted rose.

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