LILAC A TO Z or lilaca2z / When there is a picture of a Lilac that can be found in a book; the title, author and page location will be shown similar to the following ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 1). More information on the book will be provided at the bottom of the page enabling you (or me) to find it in the local library. If I grow the lilac for retail sale at the Flowering Shrub Farm I will insert a picture and provide a link to further information (if the picture doesn't open click here).


77) 'ADELAIDE DUNBAR' Lilac purple double flowers,

78) 'AGINCOURT BEAUTY' (Syringa vulgaris hybrid Lilac ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 11), Slater 1969, deep purple single flowers,

Agnes Smith ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 80), 1970, Rogers, White single

Albida sometimes referred to as S. sweginzowii 'Albida' but is actually S. X 'Albida (S. sweginzowii x S. tomentella) ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 51),

Aleksei Meres'ev ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 1)

Alice Chieppo ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 138, plate 82), D-IV, 1984, Syringa hyacinthaflora,

Alice Harding ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 7), Lemoine 1938, white

Alice Rose Foster ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 55), S. X prestoniae, Alexander 1968,

'AMI SCHOTT' Lilac ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 13), Lemoine 1933, blue double

Amor ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 71), 1948

86) 'Andenken an LUDWIG SPAETH' LILAC (S. VULGARIS HYBRID), often seen as Ludwig Spaeth ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 28), Spath 1883, deep red-purple (VII),

Angel White ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 1)

Anna Amhoff ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 30), Yeager 1958,

Annabel ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 41), double white flowers from pink buds, early blooming, zones 3b-7b, Syringa x hyacinthiflora, introduced by Hawkins 1948

Archeveque ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 65), violet group, 1923

Atheline Wilbur ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 22), Fiala 1980, pink-magenta (color VI), Rochester Strain,

76) 'AuCUBaeFOLIA' LILAC, Wittbold Variegated or Dappled Dawn, ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 2), blue double flowers, foliage is variegated; gold, yellow and green, zones 3-7, Syringa vulgaris,

Aurea ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 2 & after page 106; plate 53),

Avalanche ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 9), Fiala 1983, white

Azurea Plena ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 62), 1843, bush form in Highland Park

Belle de Nancy ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 62), double pink, 1891

Big Blue ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 77), Brown 1975.

Blue Danube ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 14), Fiala 1985, blue single, Rochester strain

Bluets ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 14), Fiala 1979, blue

Bountiful ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 42), Clarke 1949,

Bridal Memories

Bright Centennial ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 23), Robinson 1967, red-magenta

Buffon ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 41), Lemoine 1921

Burgomeester Voller ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 72), 1948

Burgundy Queen

California Rose, pink single flowers, zones 3-8, Hybrid Lilac, introduced by Descanso,

Calpurnia ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 69), Prestonian Hybrid, S. villosa x S. reflexa, 1934

Carley ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 9), Havemeyer 1953, white,

Catawba Pink ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 20), Utley 1980, pink

Charles Joly ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 25), Lemoine 1896, red-purple (class VII) double


Cheyenne ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 43, shrub), Syringa oblata dilatata, Hildreth 1971

Chinese Magic ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 61), flower, S. reticulata x S. pekinensis,

Chris ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 25), Berdeen 1963, red-purple (class VII),

Christophe Columbe ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 17), Lemoine 1905, lilac colored

80) 'CLARKS GIANT' (Syringa x hyacinthaflora Lilac), rosy-mauve single flowers, zones 4-9, Syringa x hyacinthiflora

Comte Horace de Choiseul ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 20), Lemoine 1887, mixed pink

131 'CONGO' LILAC (S. VULGARIS Hybrid) (9), red flowers fade to purple with age,

Coral ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 69), Prestonian Hybrid, S. villosa x S. reflexa, 1937

Crepuscule ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 65), 1928

Croix de Brahy ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 5), Brahy pre 1850,

Daphne Pink ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 44), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa vulgaris, Skinner 1959, purple

81) 'DARK NIGHT' (Syringa vulgaris hybrid) Lilac

Dawn ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 68), 1954

De Croncels ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 20), Baltet 1876, mixed pink

De Mirabel ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 65), violet group, 1903

Desdemona ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 69), Prestonian Hybrid, S. villosa x S. reflexa, 1927

Diannah Abbott ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 76), S-II, 1965

Doctor Bretheur ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 25), Paterson 1961, red-purple (class VII)

Doctor Chadwick ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 45), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa hyacinthaflora, Skinner


Dwight D Eisenhower ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 12), Fenicchia, blue

82) 'EDWARD J GARDENER' LILAC (Syringa vulgaris Hybrid), Edward J Gardener ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 20), Gardener 1950, pink double flowers,

Eleanore Berdeen ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 76), S-III, 1979

Elsie Lenore ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 22), Fiala 1982, pink magenta (color VI),

Emile Gentile ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 13), Lemoine 1915, blue double

Emile Lemoine ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 63), double lavender-lilac, 1889

Epaulettes ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 32), Fiala 1984, S. julianae, 'George Eastman' cross

Erzherzog Johann ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 5), Petzold & Kirchner pre 1864

Esther Staley ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 42), Clarke 1948, lavender pink,

Ethel Webster ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 55), S. X prestoniae, Preston 1934,

Ethiopia ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 25), Brand 1946, red-purple (class VII)

Etna ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 28), Lemoine 1927, deep red-purple (VII)

Etoile de Mai ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 64), magenta class, 1905

Evangeline ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 44), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa vulgaris, Skinner 1934, purple

Evantide ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 56), Late blooming, S. X quintobrida, Fiala 1980, 'Garden Peace' x 'Lark Song',

Excel, lilac colored single flowers by Skinner, zones 3b-7, Syringa x hyacinthiflora

Excellens Syringa patula ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 47), a variety of The Korean Lilac made by Lemoine in 1931,

Excellent ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 72), 1939

Father Patrick McCabe ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 76),

Firmament ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 13), Lemoine 1932, blue single

Flora ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 72), 1953

Floreal ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 29), Lemoine 1925, (S. josikaea x S. villosa) x S sweginzowii which is called a S. x nanceiana hybrid,

Flower City ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 10), Fenicchia 1983, violet single, Rochester strain,

83) 'FOREST KRESSER SMITH' Lilac lavender single flowers, zones 3-8, Hybrid Lilac introduced by Descanso,

Frank Patterson ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10; plate 1, after page 26; plate 24), red-purple (class VII),

Fred Payne ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 67),

Freedom ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 69), Prestonian Hybrid, S. villosa x S. reflexa, 1928

Furst Bulow ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 28), Spath 1920, bluish-purple (VII),

General John Pershing ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 66), in Highland Park, Rochester

General Sherman ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 66), in Highland Park, Rochester

George Eastman ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 32), Clark-Fenicchia 1980, rosey-red, S. julianae,

Georges Bellair ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 64), Magenta class, 1900

Gertrude Clark ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 8), Fiala 1984,

Gigantea ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 5), Ellwanger 1867, purple


Goplana ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 55), S. X prestoniae, Bugala 1970,

Hagney ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 57), S. wolfii x S. reflexa, 1971

Heather ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 68), 1954

Hedin ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 51), S. villosa x S. sweginzowii, introduced by Skinner in 1935,

Henri Martin ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 64), lilac, 1912

Hers ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 32), S. julianae,

Hers Variety ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 32), Hers 1923, S. julianae,

Hiawatha ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 55), S. X prestoniae, Skinner 1934

Hosanna ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 11), Fiala 1969, violet,

Independence ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 8), Fennichia 1987, white single,

James MacFarlane ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 80), pink single flowers, Syringa prestoniae, blooms in June, a small tree to around 9 feet, certainly one of my favorites, Yeager 1959

Jessica ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 69), Prestonian Hybrid, S. villosa x S. reflexa, 1928

Josee ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 47), a tribrid of Morel 1974, (Syringa patula x Syringa microphylla) x Syringa meyeri,

Jubileinaya ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 74), Shtan'ko, Mikhailov, 1956 S-II, USSR

Jules Simon ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 13), Lemoine 1908, blue double

Kaete Haerlin ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 8), Pfitzer 1910, white single,

Kate Sessions ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 42), Clarke 1942,

Katherine Havemeyer

Konstanty Karpow ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 74), Karpow-Lipski from Poland

Kosmos ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 74), Shtan'ko, Mikhailov, 1956 S-II, seedling of 'Mrs Edward Harding'

84) 'KRASAVITSA MOSKVY' LILAC ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 73), Kolesnikov 1963, white double flowers from pink buds, fff,

Kum Bum ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 2)

Lady Lindsay ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 68), 1945

Languis ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 5), pre 1862,

Lark Song ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 56), Late blooming Fiala introduction of 1963 does not set seed and so often flowers heavier than those that do set seed.

#74 'LAVENDER LADY' purple single flowers, zones 3-8, Syringa chinensis, introduced by Sobek,

Lee Jewett Walker ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 19), Berdeen 1981, pink

Lewis Maddock ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 41), soft pink, Rankin 1963,

Lois Utley ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 18), Fiala 1985, pink

Lucie Baltet ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 19), Baltet 1888, pink

86) 'LUDWIG SPAETH' LILAC (S. VULGARIS HYBRID), ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 28), deep red-purple flowers (VII),

Lullaby ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 11), Fiala 1983, violet

Lutece ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 29), Lemoine 1910, S. josikaea x S. villosa called a S. x henryi 'Lutece',

Macrostachya ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 5), light pink, Lafievre 1874

Maiden's Blush ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 70), S. x hyacinthaflora

Mme Abel Chatenay ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 7), lemoine 1892, white

Mme Antoine Buchner ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 64), pink class, 1909

Mme Felix ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 9), Felix 1924, white

Mme F Morel ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 23), Morel 1892, red-magenta

Madame Lemoine ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 7), Lemoine 1890, white

Maiden's Blush, pink single, Skinner, zones 3b-7, Syringa x hyacinthiflora

Marechal Foch ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 19), Lemoine 1924, pink

Marechal Lannes ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 1), Lemoine 1910, violet

Margaret Rice Gould ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 27), Brand 1953, red-purple (VII)

Margot Grunewald ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 14), Grunewald 1913, blue double

Marie Legraye ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 5), Legraye 1840, white

Marie Marcelin ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 11), 1953, violet,

Mary Short ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 45), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa hyacinthaflora, Fiala

Maximowicz ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 64), Violet, 1906

Mechta ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 17), Kolesnikov 1941, lilac colored

Melissa Oakes ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 45), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa hyacinthaflora, Oakes

Michel Buchner

Mildred Luetta ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 27), Hertz 1951, red-purple (VII)

Minnehaha ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 44), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa vulgaris, violet, Skinner 1935

87) 'MISS CANADA' LILAC (S. PRESTONIAE Hybrid), pink flowers in June, Syringa prestoniae, a small tree to around 9 feet, certainly one of my favorites,

Miss Kim ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 48, bush), introduced by A.M. Meader of the University of New Hampshire, lavender blue single flowers, dwarf sized,

Mollie Ann ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 16), Fiala 1981, Lilac colored single

'Monge' on left 'Sarah Sands' on right.

88) MONGE LILAC (S. VULGARIS) ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 65), purple group, 1913, red purple single flowers, this picture shows Monge at top, Sensation in the middle, and Sarah Sands at the bottom, I would plant them this way around 3 feet apart (or closer) and let them grow into each other to form a large single shrub with 3 similar flowers,

Monique Lemoine

Monument ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 7), white

Mount Baker ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 44), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa vulgaris, Skinner 1961,

Mrs W E Marshall ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 27), Havemeyer 1924, deep-purple (VII), considered the darkest purple,

Mrs Watson Webb ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 1), ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 68), 1954

Murillo ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 22), Lemoine 1901, pink magenta (color V!)

'NADEZHDA' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 73), Kolesnikov 1963, , bi-colored lilac-blue double flowers, zones 3-7,

Nancy Frick ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 67),

Nellie Bean ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 80), Yeager 1961 purple

Nike ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 55), S. X prestoniae, Bugala 1970,

Norah ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 41), Preston 1931, lilac color, S. hyacinthaflora,

Obelisque ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 7), Lemoine 1894, white

Octavia ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 69), Prestonian Hybrid, S. villosa x S. reflexa, 1928

Olive Mae Cummings ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 76), 1979

Ostrander or Ostrander Cooley ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 25), Klager 1928, red-purple (class VII)

Pamyat O M Kirove ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 17), Kolesnikov 1963, Lilac colored double,

70) 'PAUL THIRION' Lilac ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 23), Lemoine 1915, red-magenta double

Pink Parasol ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 32), Fiala 1983, S. julianae, 'George Eastman' x 'Hers Variety',

113) 'POCAHONTAS' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 44), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa vulgaris, Purple-Violet, Skinner 1935,

Prairial ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 30), Lemoine 1933, (S. josikaea x S. villosa) x S. tomentella,

Prairie Petite

President Grevy ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 13), Lemoine 1886, blue double

President John F Kennedy ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 76), white

President Lincoln ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 14), Dunbar 1916, blue

89) French Lilac 'President Poincaire' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 64), , magenta class, 1913 ,

President Viger ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 65), violet group, 1900

162) Primrose ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 72), 1949, chalk or ivory colored that shows up best as yellow when mass planted with two other lilacs that are white

Prince de Beauvau ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 62), double lavender, 1897

Prince of Wales ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 71), 1889

Priscilla ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 67),

Prodige ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 65), purple group, 1928

Professor E. H. Wilson ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 67),

Professor Robert Clark ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 138, plate 81), Fiala 1982, white

Prophecy ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 57), S. yunanensis, Fiala 1968

Purple Gem ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 42), Clarke 1960, deep purple,

#73 'PURPLE GLORY' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 42), Clarke 1949,

Purpurea ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 3)

Quartet ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 56), Late blooming, S. X quatrobrida, Fiala 1980,

Reaumur ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 25), Lemoine 1904, red-purple (class VII)

Richard Fenicchia ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 78), 1987 S-V

90) 'ROCHESTER' LILAC S.VULGARISx ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 6), white single flowers, the grandmother of the Rochester Strain,

Rochester x Primrose ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 77), white, no other name given.

Rochester Hybrid #173 ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 27), Fenicchia, red-purple

Rochester Hybrid #307 ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 1)

Romance ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 68), 1954

Rosea ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 53, S.villosa 'Rosea'),

Royalty ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 30), Preston 1937, S. josikaea x S. reflexa,

Saint Joan ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 71), 1953

Saint Margaret ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 9), Blacklock 1955, white

'Monge' on left 'Sarah Sands' on right.

91) 'SARAH SANDS' LILAC (S.VULGARISx), ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 28), Havemeyer 1943, deep red-purple (VII), dark purple single flowers, my picture link shows Monge at top, Sensation in the middle, and Sarah Sands at the bottom, I would plant them this way around 3 feet apart (or closer) and let them grow into each other to form a large single shrub with 3 similar flowers,

Sdg. 75116-16 ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 77), Brown 1975.

92) 'SENSATION' LILAC (S.VULGARISx), ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 26), Maarse 1938, classed as a red-purple (VII), sport of 'Hugo de Vries', dark purple edged in white flowers that unfortunately have little or no scent, my picture link shows Monge at top, Sensation in the middle, and Sarah Sands at the bottom, I would plant them this way around 3 feet apart (or closer) and let them grow into each other to form a large single shrub with 3 similar flowers,

Sholokhov ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 73), Kolesnikov 1963,

Silver King ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 16), Lemke 1953, Lilac colored

Sister Justena ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 45), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa hyacinthaflora, Skinner

Slater's Elegance ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 8), Slater 1975. white single,

Sonnet ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 15), Fiala 1982, Lilac colored

Souviner de Mme Louis Giellis ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 9), Giellis 1950, white,

Sovietskaya Arktica ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 8), Kolesnikov 1976, white single

Spellbinder ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 56), Late blooming, S. X clarkiana, S. komarowii x S. wolfii, Fiala 1968,

Spuvenir de Louis Chasset ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 23), Lemoine 1953, red-magenta,

Stephanie Rowe ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 19), Berdeen 1981, pink

Summer White ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 30), Lape 1973, white, S. x josiflexa

129 'SUPERBA' Lilac, Syringa microphylla 'Superba' , grows 6-8 feet tall, zones 5-8,

Swarthmore ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 44), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa vulgaris, Skinner 1954, violet


Syringa x chinensis 'Alba' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 36), Audibert 1885, white

Syringa chinensis 'Bicolor' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 35),

Syringa x chinensis 'Hybrida' or 'Rouensis' or 'Rouen' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 36), before 1885, pink

Syringa x chinensis 'Le Progres' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 36), pink

Syringa x chinensis 'Metensis' or Varin Lilac or S. chinensis 'Varina Metensis' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 35), pale lavender

Syringa x chinensis 'Orchid Beauty' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 36), before 1953

Syringa x chinensis 'Saugeana' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 36), 1885, pink

Syringa debelderi ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 31),

Syringa diversifolia ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 58), S. laciniata x S. pinnatifolia by Dr. Sax at the Arnold Arboretum, 1935

Syringa x hyacinthiflora 'Fenelon' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 39), pink fading to white

Syringa x hyacinthiflora 'Maureen' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 40), Introduced by Preston, pink

Syringa josikaea ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 29),

Syringa josikaea 'Rubra' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 29),

Syringa julianae ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 32),

Syringa Komarowii ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 33), pink

Syringa laciniata ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 34), once called Syringa persica laciniata - Syringa persica is now recognized as a hybrid of Syringa laciniata,

Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' x Syringa microphylla 'Superba' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 77), Pearson 1986, no other name given.

Syringa meyeri var. 'Palibin' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 37), pink

Syringa meyeri var. 'Palibin' the shrub growing at the University of Guelph Arboretum in Guelph, Ontario, Canada ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 37), pink

Syringa microphylla ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 38), pink fading to white

Syringa microphylla 'Superba' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 38), pink fading to white

Syringa oblata dilatata ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 43, the shrub growing in Highland Park, Rochester, NY),

Syringa oblata var. donaldii ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 46), National Arboretum, discovered in South Korea 1979,

Syringa patula ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 47), The Korean Lilac,

Syringa pekinensis ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 59), exfoliating bark

Syringa persica ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 34), a hybrid of Syringa laciniata, pink

Syringa pinnatifolia ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 58),

Syringa potaninii ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 49), blooms almost continuously in wet summers,

Syringa prestoniae 'Miss Canada' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 54), introduced in 1967 by Dr. William A Cumming at the Morden Test Station, reddish buds & pink flowers,

Syringa reflexa ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 50),

Syringa reticulata var. amurensis ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 61), flower

Syringa reticulata var. reticulata ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 59 & 60), smooth cherry-like bark

Syringa X swegiflexa ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 51), (S. sweginzowii x S. reflexa)

Syringa sweginzowii ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 51),

Syringa tigerstedtii ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 52),

Syringa villosa ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 53),

Syringa villosa x Syringa x henryi ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 77), Pearson 1986 no other name given.

Syringa vulgaris var. alba ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 4)

Syringa vulgaris Pyrimadalis Alba ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 4)

Syringa vulgaris var. rubra ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 4)

Syringa wolfii var hirsuta ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 57),

Syringa yunanensis 'Rosea' ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 57),

Taras Bul'ba ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 74), Rubtsov-Zhogoleva-Lyapunova

The Bride ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 45), Syringa oblata dilatata x Syringa hyacinthaflora,

Tiffany Blue ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 1)

Tong Yong ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106; plate 52), intoduced by Fiala in 1987, S. tigerstedtii x (S. yunanensis x S. X prestoniae 'Isabella'),

Vauban ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 58; plate 41), Lemoine 1913,

Vesper ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26; plate 28), Fleming 1979, deep red-purple (VII)

Vestale ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 10, plate 7), Lemoine 1910, white

Victor Lemoine ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 106, plate 63), double lavender pink, 1906


White Lace ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 71), 1960

White Swan ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 122, plate 68), 1943

Znamya Lenina ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 26, plate 21), Kolesnikov 1962, red (classed pink)

("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" by FR. John L. Fiala, published by Timber Press, ISBN 0-88192-001-0)

I am on Alice Chieppo ("Lilacs, The Genus Syringa" Fiala, after page 138, plate 82), D-IV, 1984, Syringa hyacinthaflora, as of 12/05.