Rosegro or how we propagate, grow and sell Roses. Send me your phone number and mailing address in an email so I can call you back because its hard for me to do a lot of typing. If you have any questions contact me. Clicking on an image will often open a larger version that may be saved as wallpaper or studied more closely.
You asked for 2 Belle Poitevine Hybrid Rugosa Roses in May.
My answer is I root hundreds of cuttings every year and take a cuttings picture like the one above (showing either the plant we take cuttings from, cuttings being rooted under mist with the crop number on the side of the pot, plants in one gallon pots being grown that have not flowered yet or plants with price stickers on the side of the pot indicating its for sale). If I had available plants of this variety the cuttings picture above would probably show a bunch of 1 or 2 gallon rooted cuttings with an abreviation of the variety name printed on the side of the pot with a paint pen next to the date the cutting was first potted (when its two years old and been positively identified from the flower I will stick a price sticker to the side of the pot showing its for sale). If the cuttings picture shows one of our plants on drip line it probably means that we have not successfully rooted cuttings yet or are currently sold out. Click the picture for a larger image that can be studied more closely (check the date this picture was taken in the lower right hand corner of the picture).
This picture shows a bunch of roses in one gallon pots being inspected for mouse damage and to add mouse baits. I would suggest you watch the newsletter where you might see pictures of the variety you want when we take them out of the cold frames next spring and sort them. Click the picture for a larger image that can be studied more closely (check the date this picture was taken in the lower right hand corner of the picture).
If you go to the disease resistant rose list at
Scroll down to Belle Poitevine and click on the blue link
'BELLE_POITEVINE' Hybrid Rugosa Rose, 'Belle Poitevine' Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced around 1894 (zones 3b
and warmer, 5 feet x 5 feet) fragrant blooms, several times for
us throughout summer when regularly dead headed and fertilized, yellow fall
foliage L(2004, 6).
It will open a page with the latest pictures and information about that variety. And your interest expressed in your email makes it more likely that I will take cuttings from it again this year.
Plants above in one or two gallon pots may be available mail-order (continued at bottom of page).
I take pictures each spring and save them as this years, one year olds and two year olds. You can read the date they were planted as a cutting written on the side of the pot. Of course they wont be for sale until they are at least two years old and have been identified (with a price sticker stuck on the pot) probably from the flower in June.
In spring I will over-write this picture with one showing roses that we removed from the cold frame and sorted.
We can send 2 one gallon potted plants in this size for around $20.00 postage and handling as of June 2014.
In answer to emails;
Rosa alba Sem-plena as of October 2015 the cuttings picture above shows a bag of cuttings taken (click this picture to open a larger image and examine the date the picture was taken in the lower right hand corner. Next June 2016, any semi plena that says 2014 on the side that flowers will have a price sticker attached and have a picture taken. If you see such a picture in the newsletter or maybe I'll over-write rosesbymailbig.jpg or even this picture cuttingssemiplenabig.jpg, and if you examine the date in the corner of the picture and its recent maybe you'll want to contact me right away. If I had some that had price stickers on them I would have over-written a picture of them for the cuttings picture probably.
Rosa rugosa 'Robusta' the cuttings picture as of October 2015 shows me pointing with a pencil at potentially viable cuttings. This is a mistake as I know I sent cuttings to the greenhouse but I know that no 'Robusta' flowered this year.
Contact me with any questions.
I propagate and grow plants that are locally HARDY, DISEASE RESISTANT, VIGOROUS and FRAGRANT to sell during our Retail Plant Sale , Mail Order or by Appointment. We grow Classic Lilacs mostly those that have flowers that look purple or are double. Disease Resistant Roses including; Alba Roses, Gallica Roses, Damask Roses, Centifolia Roses, Hybrid Rugosa Roses, Climbing Roses & Rambler Roses, Roses with small flowers, Old Garden Roses mentioned in literature. Native Azaleas and Rhododendrons including Pinxterbloom azalea or R. nudiflorum / R. periclymenoides, and Rosebay rhododendron or R. maximum. We also grow many hardy Blueberry Bushes including native blueberry V. corrymbosum (Highbush Blueberry), V angustifolium (Lowbush Blueberry) and Half High Blueberry bushes that are a super hardy hybrid of highbush and lowbush. Espalier Trained fruit Trees including; Step over or Horizontal T trained Apple trees, Pear trees and Crabapple trees. We propagate and grow other plants including Mockorange. I add new pictures to this months newsletter every week; January February March April May 1 to 15 May 16 to 31 June week #1 June week #2 June week #3 June last days July August September October November December Contact me!
Roseraie page shows how I propagate and grow Roses.
I suggest you bookmark the picture newsletter at then visit every once in a while to see whats happening. I take pictures almost every week to add to the newsletter.