White flowered Roses. is a Rose Catalog in alphabetical order at The Flowering Shrub Farm in Voorheesville, NY with thumbnail pictures and includes a description of every rose we propagate and grow that have white flowers, or who's flowers fade to white or appear white. If you want to purchase contact me. 09:55 Continued at the bottom.

198 'Alba' Rugosa Rose 'Alba' is a white flowered variant of Rosa Rugosa also called the 'Hedgehog Rose' and 'The Japanese Rose', 8 feet tall, hardy in zone 2b through 8b. flowers all summer

001) ALBA MAXIMA, Alba Rose double flowered sport of alba semi plena. flowers for several weeks in spring to early summer. Hardy in zones 3b through 9b, 8 feet tall x 8 feet wide.

147 ALBA SEMI PLENA, 'White Rose of York', 'Bonnie Prince Charlie's Rose', 'La Rose de York', Rosa x alba suaveolens, Rosa x alba nivea, Rosa alba 'Semi plena' Alba Rose introduced before 1597, (zones 3b thru 9b, 8 feet x 5 feet), strongly fragrant flowers for several weeks in spring to early summer (2013greenhouse, 10).

190 ALBERIC BARBIER Alberic Barbier Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose introduced around 1900, zones 4 through 10, growing up to 25 feet wide on a trellis or can be trained into a tree (crop 190), hardy in zone 5 though one author has suggested its hardy in zone 4, extremely vigorous growth, shade tolerant, one author indicated it has been known to flower with only one hour of sun per day, 3 inch semi-double to double with a mild apple fragrance that bloom in early summer only (n/r), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 191, zones 4-10, DR-0/0, 15' x10', extremely vigorous growth, shade tolerant has been known to flower with only one hour of sun per day), (Barron's, 44), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 102, 104), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 42), ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 150, zone 8(10f)).

114) CELESTIAL or CELESTE Alba Rose, 'Celeste', 'Celestial' Alba Old Garden Rose introduced before 1600, (zones 3 thru 8, 6 feet x 4 feet), fragrant and shade tolerant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

014) 'CITY OF YORK' 'City of York', 'Direktor Benschop', Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose introduced by Tantau around 1939 (zones 5b and warmer, 8 feet x 8 feet or can be stretched 20 feet on a fence) large clusters of fragrant flowers for several weeks late spring to early summer (not-recurrent) followed by scattered flowers occasionally later in the season

184 Duchesse de Montebello 'Duchesse de Montebello' Gallica Rose (or hybrid china) old garden rose introduced by Laffay in 1824 (zones 4 thru 8, 4 feet x 3 feet ), strongly fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer

185 Felicite Parmentier 'Felicite Parmentier' Alba Rose introduced before 1836 (zones 4 thru 9, 4 feet x 3 feet ), shade tolerant and strongly fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. (2013, greenhouse) L

173 Felicite et Perpetue Alba Rose introduced in 1828, Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 15 to 20 feet wide.("Classic Roses" Beales, flower & leaf picture : page 312) ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 66) Named by The Duc d'Orleans after his twin daughters in (Felicitas and Perpetua). Flowers for several weeks in summer it grows to around six feet with small white rosette flowers. Seemingly derived from Rosa sempervirens

97) FIMBRIATA Fimbriata Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in 1891 (zones 4 thru 8, 5'x4'), fragrant 3 inch flowers in clusters all summer when regularly deadheaded and fertilized L(2006, 11).

100) FURSTIN VON PLESS Hybrid Rugosa Rose, Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 4 feet tall x 4 feet wide. white double

139 Great Maidens Blush, or Cuisse de Nymphe or Nymph's Thigh or La Virginale or La Seduisante or The Seductress or Incarnata or Maidens Blush, 'Great Maidens Blush', 'Cuisse de Nymphe', 'Nymph's Thigh', 'La Virginale', 'La Seduisante' 'The Seductress' 'Incarnata' or 'Maidens Blush', Alba Rose introduced before 1400, (zones 3 thru 8, 6 feet x 6 feet), fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk. L (2013greenhouse, 20).

200 'Hebes Lip' 'Hebes Lip', 'Reine Blanche', 'Rubrotincta' (1829), zones 4 thru 9, thought to be a cross between a damask rose and Rosa eglanteria but doesn't have scented foliage, grows to around 4 feet tall, extremely disease resistant, semi-double white flowers with gold stamens, introduced prior to 1846, (2011, 2).

Henry Hudson (1979) Hybrid rugosa, zones 3a and warmer, 2 to 4 feet x 2 to 4 feet, seedling of schneezwerg,

34) 'LEDA' Damask Rose, 'Leda', 'Painted Damask' Damask Old Garden Rose introduced in 1827, (zones 4 thru 9, 4'x7'), strongly fragrant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer, ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 44, zone5 (-13f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 126, zones 3-8), ("The Art of Gardening with Roses" Thomas, sh73), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:187), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 80) ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 142, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page45, zones 4-9). Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk.

215 Marie Bugnet Hybrid Rugosa, Introduced in 1963 white double, Hardy in zones 2 through 9, 3 feet tall x 3 feet wide. L

218 Mme Georges Bruant Hybrid Rugosa introduced in 1887 white double, Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 5 feet tall x 4 feet wide. L

35) 'MADAM_HARDY' Damask Rose, 'Mme Hardy', 'Madame Hardy' Damask Old Garden Rose introduced in 1832, (zones 4 thru 9, 5'x5'), shade tolerant and strongly fragrant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 129, zones 4-8), ("The Art of Gardening With Roses" Thomas, sh58), (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 104), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 157), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 55), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 46, zones 5-8), named for the wife of the head gardener for the Empress Josephine of France (Mr Hardy)

175 Mme Legras de St. Germain 'Mme Legras De St Germain' Alba Rose introduced before 1848. (Zones 3 thru 9, 6 feet x 6 feet or can be stretched on a trellis to 15 feet) fragrant flowers bloom for several weeks late spring to early summer. ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 55, zone4(-30f)), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 153), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 35, zone 3-8).

160) Madame Plantier, Alba Rose, 'Mme Plantier' Alba Rose introduced before 1835, (zones 4 thru 8, 5 feet x 5 feet but can be trained on a trellis, fence or into a tree 10 to 20 feet), fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

115) NEVADA Hybrid Moyesii Rose, zones 4 thru 10, 8'x6', white flowers, non recurrent, ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 169, zones 3b and warmer, DR-1/0, repeats), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 54), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 54, 61, fllf:234), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, sh159), 'La Giralda' x R. moyesii, 8x6.

40) 'NEW_DAWN'_CL. 'New Dawn' Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose introduced in 1930 the recurrent sport of 'Dr W Van Fleet' ( a non-recurrent wichuranna rambler that would sometimes grow to 35 feet by 45 feet). Zones 5 thru 10, 8 feet x 10 feet or can be stretched on a trellis to 10 feet x 25 feet (which if compared to its parent makes it a dwarf?) moderately fragrant flowers bloom in late spring and throughout summer. ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 131, zone4 (to -22f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 138, zones 5-9), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 214, zones 5-10), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 187, zones 4-10, DR-1/0), ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 124), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 26), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 52, 64), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 60). Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk L(2011, 24).

176 Pauls Himalayan Musk Rambler Rose introduced by Paul in 1916 (zones 5 to 9, 20 to 30 feet tall when trained into a tree) moderately fragrant flowers in large trailing clusters bloom for several weeks in late spring to early summer. ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 148, zone 6(-10f)), ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 4), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, sh151),(Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 131, zones 4-9), (hm/30feet with support/pink/double/1.5inch/f), Seedling of Rosa brunonii. Growing well in the Rose hedge (2013, greenhouse).

143 Schneekoppe, Schneekopf, Snow Pavement 'Schneekoppe', 'Schneekopf', Snow Pavement Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in 1984 (zones 3 thru 8, 4'x4') fragrant, pale lavender flowers rapidly fading to white bloom from late spring throughout summer when regularly dead headed and fertilized.

144 Schneezwerg, Snow Dwarf (R. rugosa x R. bracteata) Hybrid Rugosa Rose 'Schneezwerg', 'Snow Dwarf' Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in 1912, (zones 4 thru 8, 3 feet x 3 feet), it blooms for us all summer when regularly dead headed and fertilized. The last one will soon be planted in a 45 gallon pot from which we will take cuttings L

147 Semi-Plena, 'White Rose of York', 'Bonnie Prince Charlie's Rose', 'La Rose de York', Rosa x alba suaveolens, Rosa x alba nivea, Rosa alba 'Semi plena' Alba Rose introduced before 1597, (zones 3 thru 9, 8 feet x 5 feet), strongly fragrant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk (2013, greenhouse).

57) 'SIR_THOMAS_LIPTON' Hybrid Rugosa Rose Zones 3 thru 8, grows to around 6 feet tall and wide, blooms from late spring to early fall, introduced in 1900 L(2009, 9).

146 Souvenir de Philemon Cochet Hybrid Rugosa Rose, Introduced in 1900, Hardy in zones 3 through 9, 5 feet tall x 5 feet wide (2012, 5).

59) 'STANWELL PERPETUAL' Hybrid Scotch Rose (Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 189, zone 4(-30 f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 180, zones 3-8, DR-0/0), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 175, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 45), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 145), ( and quartered. Stephen says this rose is "reliably recurrent". Hardy in zones 3 through 9, 5 feet tall x 5 feet wide. I have seen this rose growing more than 10 feet wide and flowering prolifically in spring with good repeat when dead headed and fertilized. L Being Layered.

120) Tausendschon (Kiese 1906) medium sized, double flowers in tints of white, pale pink, rose and cream. Large clusters of twenty to fourty flowers, disease resistant leaves and smoothe stems, vigorous growth to twenty feet. Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 12 feet tall x 9 feet wide.

119 'Trier' Multiflora Hybrid Rose introduced by Lambert in 1904 has loose clusters of 30 to 50 flowers (twice that in late summer) on a disease resistant plant that might be stretched to nine feet or so on a trellis. Hardy in zones 4 through 9, 8 feet tall x 8 feet wide.


The prescence of a book on this list does not indicate that I agree with the methods or information provided by the author. Its just that they have a picture of the rose in question on the page indicated. These books were chosen either because they were already in my library, a picture was included that I'd had some difficulty finding, or because I try to pick as diverse books as possible not knowing what will be easily available to you where you are. Each book has a little blurb by me at the end that you might take as a short review.

("Roses of America" Scanniello), "Roses of America" by Stephen Scanniello and Tania Bayard, photography by Albert Squillace, The Brooklyn botanic Gardens guide to our national flower. copyright 1990 by Sammis. publishing Corp., ISBN 0-8050-1241-9, A+, well done, good source. Stephen and Company has done it again. current page I'm cataloging on is 94. Planting where another rose has been:page 173, Pruning:178, training a rambler:page 180, winter protection for climbers, tree roses etc:190.

("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde), "Growing Roses Organically" by Barbara Wilde, Illustrations by Michael Gellatly and Adam McCauley, Distributed in the Book Trade by St. Martins Press, ISBN 0-87596-880-5, A+, well done, All done.

("The Art of Gardening With Roses" Thomas), "The Art of Gardening With Roses" by Graham Stuart Thomas with Photographs by Bob Gibbons a John Macrae Book, Henry Holt and Company, New York 1991, ISBN 0-8050-1533-7, A+, I love this book.

("Roses, Old Roses and Species Roses" Cruse), "Roses Old Roses and Species Roses", Photographs by Paul Starosta, Text by Eleonore Cruse, ISBN 3-8228-7761-1 printed in Italy beautifully intense photos.

("The Natural Rose Gardener" Walheim), "The Natural Rose Gardener" by Lance Walheim many pictures I couldn't find elsewhere.

(Sunset Book "Roses" White), "Roses" by Hazel White published by Sunset ISBN 0-376-03659-1

("Climbing Roses Of The World" Quest-Ritson), "Climbing Roses Of The World" by Charles Quest-Ritson Timber Press 2003, ISBN 0-88192-563-2, A+, A really fine source. many pictures I couldn't find elsewhere. A well designed book that I am glad to have in my personal Library. Well worth the $35 I paid.

("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's), "500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" published in 1999 by Barron's Educational Series ISBN 0-7641-0851-4 many pictures I couldn't find elsewhere.

("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra). "Beautiful American Rose Gardens" by Mary Tonetti Dorra, photographs by Richard Felber, Clarkson Potter publishers in New York. copyright 1999 by Mary Tonetti Dorra, photographs copyright 1999 by Richard Felber ISBN 0 -- 609 -- 60080 -- although it has many fine pictures its propensity toward hybrid teas and the confusion innate in every photo as far as identifying which rose is which, makes this book hard to use.

("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt), "The Organic Rose Garden" by Liz Druitt, Photography by Virginia Brown, Taylor Publishing Co., Dallas, Copyright 1996, ISBN 0-87833-906-X, A+, I enjoyed reading this years ago. It still is filled with all sorts of good information. One thing to remember is that she gardens in Texas (a milder climate than the Northeast).

("David Austin's English Roses" Austin), "David Austin's English Roses" by David Austin, Photographs by Clay Perry, text copyright 1993 by David Austin, published by Conran Octopus Limited in Great Britain, ISBN 0-316-05975-7 A+, current page I'm on is 96.

("Designing With Roses" Lord), "Designing With Roses" Tony Lord, Copyright Frances Lincoln Limited 1999, Text Copyright by Tony Lord in 1999, Trafalgar Square Publishing, North Pomfret, VT 05053, ISBN 1-57076-148-5, A+, showing high quality pictures of the whole plant combined with perennials, shrubs and more. Im done. Every rose picture is now listed here.

("Classic Roses" Beales), "Classic Roses" by Peter Beales, published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston of 383 Madison Avenue in New York City 10017, Copyright in 1985 by Peter Beales, ISBN 0-03-006022-2, A+, I got this copy through the interlibrary loan system from Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Deleware Ave, Delmar, NY 12054. Certainly one of the most comprehensive works dedicated to the Rose. I'm done. Every rose picture is in this list. (out of 432 pages).

("Growing Roses For Small Gardens" Gibson), "Growing Roses For Small Gardens" by Michael Gibson, published by Timber Press, 9999 S.W. Wilshire, Portland, Oregon 97225 1990, ISBN 0-88192-186-6, Got this directly from Timber Press in 1991.

(Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra), Taylor's Guides "Roses" by Nancy J. Ondra, published by Houghton Mifflin Company, ISBN 0-618-06888-0, good pictures and hardiness zones. I'm on page 191.

("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon), "The Encyclopedia of Roses" by Judith C. McKeon, published by Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA 18098 ISBN 0-87596-656-X, Got this from The Voorheesville Public Library in Voorheesville, NY 12186. At the time this book was published the author was chief horticulturist at the Morris Arboretum and in charge of the Arboretum Rose garden.

Continued from the top.......

The two pictures for each variety should be of a closeup of the flower (top left) and a picture of cuttings (top right).

The picture of the cuttings will show several different possibilities including;

1. not yet viable cuttings being pointed at with a pencil (cuttings have to be between the thickness of a pencil and the thickness of my small finger),

2. cuttings inserted in one gallon pots and placed in a zip lock bag,

3. if the cuttings root it will show a picture of plants growing from a one gallon pot (multiple cuttings in a single pot have to be divided).

4. If I send cuttings out to a greenhouse it will show many loose cuttings in a large plastic bag in a box being readied for shipment.

Additional pictures will probably be of the plants that we are taking cuttings from (or all the plants we have of this type grouped together).

Click the picture for a larger image that can be studied more closely or saved as wallpaper (if a different picture I will over-write with the inventory picture next spring). The date the picture was taken should be noted in a corner of the picture.

You might want to reload this page in case your computer has it cached or check my Roseraie Page where I show how I propagate, grow and sell roses.

Want to purchase? Contact me.