Call me on my cell
phone at 518-526-9101 or email me. In March we are
digging Lilacs, in April we are potting, all summer I have to
water plants when its to dry, In July I am taking cuttings and
rooting them to make more plants, August we are building new
pot-in-pot beds, but you can still get me on the
cell phone usually between 10 AM and 5 PM Eastern Time. When
was the last time you got to talk to the plantsman out in the
field instead of a secretary. Make an appointment.
Pruning the baby Lilacs.
At the end of the plant sale much of my time is spent taking cuttings to root. I still sell plants but you have to make an appointment. Send me your phone number and I'll get back to you. I check my emails every day.
I suggest you sign up for my picture-newsletter. If I go away for any period of time I tell my subscribers in advance.
Subscribers receive links to web pages with new pictures of the plants we sell, closeups of the flower or fruit, colored foliage in fall or snow covered plants in winter.
You also see pictures of employees or friends doing chores in the nursery and greenhouse.
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