Crop 242 of Flowering Shrub Farm Subscriber Only Picture Newsletter;
April 30, 2014
Reload this page in case your computer has it cached as I over write pictures frequently (I change the days date to the current one whenever I edit the page or add new pictures). I take pictures of what we are doing and the plants we grow for my free monthly newsletter. Click on the picture and it may open a larger version with more detail.
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The front of the plant sale location above has plants in large pots that I use for propagation and occasionally sell to someone who doesn't mind paying a premium price. Smaller, less expensive plants, that are more portable are behind the house arranged in alphabetical order with signs among them that show the variety name. Above pictures, taken on close to the same day in different years, can be compared (click the picture for a larger image and check the date in the lower right hand corner).
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A question was asked if I would have any Adelaide Dunbar to sell this year and because they are not producing flower buds at this time I would have to say no. Mme Lemoine on the other hand as flower buds all over and so I would say yes. Click the picture for a larger image you can study more closely, note the date in the lower right hand corner.
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This is a division of Agincourt Beauty #10-003a (the "a" keeps it seperate from other divisions of this numbered lilac that will be designated with other letters). This Montmorency Sour cherry tree will be trained into a multiple verticle cordon and we may graft sweet cherries onto some of the verticles in time as well.
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Rooted cuttings in three inch pots that were taken in July or August 2013 and overwintered in a simple cold frame box.
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#40 is 'New Dawn' and #23 is 'Fantin Latour'. Unknowns probably were labeled originally but the label got mislaid.
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There are probably some larger bluecrop (BC-13) in 3 gallon pots mixed in with 'Northsky' that we still have not pulled from winter storage with the sides of their pots touching and covered with leaves. Click the picture for a larger image and check the date I took this picture in the lower right hand corner.
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Lowbush blueberries in 1 gallon are $10 each, in the 5 inch pot they are $7. Later in Late May to early June I should be getting some lowbush in 3 inch liners I'll sell for $5 each and Northcountry or Northblue I dont know which one that will also be $5 in 3 inch liners.
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The first of the mixed crop of 'Rochester' and 'Paul Thirion' is coming into bloom and I will take many picture close ups of the flower and then cut it back so we can take many cuttings from it. The 'Fimbriata' Division above was ordered in winter but wont be sent until there is lots of new growth.
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A couple more indications of spring are forsythia blooming and saucer magnolia buds starting to open.
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To replace plants that we use to propagate from that have died, we purchase virus free plants grafted on Rosa multiflora that we will start taking cuttings from this July or August. We have also purchased some varieties that we have not had before that have been suggested by our subscribers. Click these pictures for a larger image so you can read the variety name on the side of the pot (these plants are not for sale, just so we can take cuttings).
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Inventory pictures showing pinxterbloom on the left and Rosebays on the right. Check out my mail-order waiting list; 2014. If you should be on it and are not, contact me. Note the date I inserted the picture in the newsletter on the left (4/2).
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These roses were eaten back by mice and are starting to recover. We dont sell any of our roses until they have bloomed verifying they are what we think they are so these wont be for sale until they have a big OK (indicating that they have flowered and proved the variety) on the side of the pot next to the variety name.
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These are cuttings taken as of the date on the side of the pot. Four cuttings were originally stuck in each pot, the pot was kept in a zip lock bag right through winter though we unzipped them throughout summer at least once a week to prevent mold. At some point we will divide them and place them in their own one gallon pot.
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'Kathleen Harrop' is a sport of 'Zephirine Drouhin' Bourbon Rambler.
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Updated the picture of my lowbush blueberries on the left (1 year old is $10 each in a 1 gallon) and took one of Znamya Lenina Lilac (Z-13) and President Poincaire Lilac (P-13). We don't sell Roses or Lilacs until they flower which in this case probably wont be til 2016.
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Fertilizing Lilacs
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Removing Lilac divisions from basement. After they sprout they'll be available for $15 each. Click the picture for a larger image and check the variety name written on the side of the pot. Click this link where you can read more about getting a couple of Lilacs by Mail.
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Click for a larger image where you can see this plant starting to bud.
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Spring flowering bulbs help us to determine when Lilacs will bloom compared to last year. On the right are daylillies starting to grow up from the ground.
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These lilacs in three gallon pots are sold at the plant sale for $25 each. In winter we divide some that have been clearly labeled with an individually numbered yellow label when they were flowering, into one gallon pots for mail-order at $15 each.
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These 3 gallons are sold for $25 each once they have flowered and been labeled with an individually numbered yellow label.
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Pam asked if we have 'Rochester' and we wont really know for sure until it flowers (we are growing a mixed crop of Paul Thirion and Rochester maybe that we labeled in 2009 as Roc/thi on the side of the pot).
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We plan to repair the greenhouse this year where we will store a thousand one and two gallon roses in winter. A garage door at each end will allow us to pull trailer loads out in spring and set them up on tables for mail-order and the plant sale. Click pictures for a larger image so you can read the labels.
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Pictures of Flowers in the Nursery taken in previous years serve to remind us what time of the year it is and we can compare the flowering time this year with that of last year when estimating the time plants will bloom. You can see the date these pictures were taken by clicking the picture to open a larger version and checking the lower right hand corner.
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In 2012 the Lilacs flowered April 20 due to eighty degree temperatures for around a week in March. In a more normal year we would expect Lilacs to flower around the middle of May. I notify subscribers if I open early.
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Laying out weed mat. During the winter we keep the area behind the house uncluttered so that its easy to plow snow but in April, as the trees start to grow leaves, this area with good exposure to the sun all day, becomes the small pot rose display. Weed mat provides a mud free, low maintenence surface to walk upon and soon will be covered with roses sorted into alphabetical order by variety name.
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aprilsmallownrootrosessmall.jpg & aprillilacwalksmall.jpg
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1. ownrootalbassmall.jpg, 2. ownrootcentifoliassmall.jpg
The bags around the base of some pots indicate that they are cuttings still being rooted. Watch for a new picture sometime in June when I will over-write with the current inventory picture. If one of these pictures shows an open cold frame box it indicates that they are all in storage for the winter.
3. ownrootdamaskssmall.jpg, 4. ownrootgallicassmall.jpg
I start over-writing these pictures as soon as it changes like if I sell a bunch or add a bunch of new varieties (the date the picture was taken is in the lower right hand corner of each picture). I propagate plants all year transplanting to a larger size when they outgrow the previous pot (call me if you want on my cell phone at 518-526-9101 or 518-526-9978).
5. ownrootrugosassmall.jpg, 6. ownrootmuskssmall.jpg
Smaller than 1 gallon size in 2013 was $5. 1 or 2 gallon was $15 for a 2 year old as measured from the year on the side of the pot, $10 for a 1 year old.
7. ownrootpinxterbloomssmall.jpg, 8. ownrootrosebayssmall.jpg
Purchased in 2013:
$200 Rose Tone
$200 Potting Soil
Brother HL-2270DW Laser Printer $155.50
2800 Custom 7 gallon pots $133.00
5 Roses for propagation (Roseraie de l'Hay, Crested Moss, Pauls Himalayan Musk, Felicite Parmentier, Yolanda d'Aragon, ...) $110
Miscelaneous things including; anvil pruner, turnbuckle, screw hook, wire rope (for espalier), paint pens (marking on pots), pipe insulation (protect tree stems), sharpie pens, stapler set (mail order), wasp killer; $121.68
$200 Rose Tone on April 2, 2014
About the ALL-PICTURE-NEWSLETTER by andyvancleve
Flowering Shrub Farm Monthly All Picture Newsletters; January February March April May 6 to 16 May 20 to 31 June 4 to 7 June 8 to 9 June 11 to 13 June 16 to 25 July August September October November December
Potential Customers subscribe. Each month I send them the latest email link to the newsletter, information as to what is blooming and sometimes an update telling them when I am open.
We grow plants to sell at our plant sale. Do we do mail order? Check my picture-newsletter Want to purchase? contact me