Crop 334 April Inventory at the Flowering Shrub Farm in Voorheesville, NY 12186. Lilac and Rose inventory pictures below added as they leaf out in alphabetical order. Click on the picture for a larger image you can study more closely or save as wallpaper. Click on the picture and it may open a larger version with more detail. 09:50

I try to get a clear photograph showing the sign in the fore ground and a slightly fuzzy shot of the plants in back. You can get an idea from the size of each lilac, about when they'll be available for sale (we wont sell them until they are blooming or have previously bloomed proving the variety). Most Lilacs for instance wont bloom until they are at least three feet tall (most lilacs grow around 12 to 18 inches a year). I place a green dot on the sign and note on it how many plants of this variety I have for sale in a seven gallon pot for $30 (as plants bloom I add to this number and as I sell them I subtract and take another picture). No number on a colored dot probably means none for sale yet of that variety. I will be over writing these pictures with more recent ones all through April.

Most of the people who work here, including family are over 60 years old so dont expect any speed records getting this up to date. I am redoing many signs that have faded or having the printers print them. After I have a new sign I'll add a picture to this list. I should have the lilac inventory updated by May and the espalier, blueberry bushes or roses done by June.

Many new varieties of roses wont bloom this year and so may not be available for sale. But I will still take cuttinggs from them in July. Those that do flower will have a white locking tag (new tags for new varieties are being printed as of April 15) attached and be available for sale.

Click the picture for a larger image and the plant name and crop number may appear in the address bar of your browser.

White or yellow tags on the plants in the picture is an indication that they flowered last year and will be shipped to the plant sale next May. I have locking tag labels printed with the variety name, date of intoduction and my web site that we attach to upright stems when the plants flower.

I try to keep the inventory pictures in alphabetical order but I usually start by adding new pictures at the bottom, then later re-ordering them by cutting and pasting.

A number noted with a sharpie marker but no colored dot shows a number of plants for future sale but they have to be transplanted into larger pots first. The last one will be repotted into a 25 gallon pot, cut back and used for propagation. If the sign has a red dot but no number it may indicate only one plant left that will be repotted into 25 gallon size for $100 each that I will use for propagation.

I try to include somewhere on the sign the date we started growing each crop of lilacs.

About the ALL-PICTURE-NEWSLETTER by andyvancleve

Flowering Shrub Farm Monthly All Picture Newsletters; January February March April May 6 to 16 May 20 to 31 June 4 to 7 June 8 to 9 June 11 to 13 June 16 to 25 July August September October November December

Potential Customers subscribe. Each month I send them an email that contains my coments about the pictures with links to the pictures.

When they see something they like they come buy it in bloom.

We grow plants to sell at our plant sale. Read my notes on the zone hardiness numbers I use. Do we do mail order? Check my picture-newsletter Want to purchase? email me.