mayangustifoliumlinerssmall.jpg & maybluecroplinerssmall.jpg

Scroll down for more pictures!

Crop 299 Subscribers May Issue of Flowering Shrub Farm Monthly All Picture Newsletters; January February March April May 1 to 15 May 16 to 31 June 1 to 7 June 8 to 14 June 15 to 21 June 22 to 30 July August September October November December The whole idea of my web site is for you to be able to examine what we have for sale before having to drive to the plant sale location at 40 Voorheesville Ave in Voorheesville, NY 12186. Click on the picture and it may open a larger version with more detail. Reload this page in case your computer has it cached.

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We expect another 200 Liners of Lowbush blueberry (V. angustifolium) next week maybe by June 8 that we will continue to sell at $5 each as a 2 inch liner. This first 100 is already being asked for 30 here and 70 there.


Just Labeling the liners with a paint pen so they wont get mixed up. Lowbush blueberry with an A for angustifolium. B for Bluecrop. V for Violetta and Z for Znamya Lenina.

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Behind the house at 40 Voorheesville Ave I have a little air conditioned office, beyond the red door, where I can take my breaks. In this little courtyard I have benches made from stacked pallets, where I can arrange potted plants as I pot them up. We dont sell Roses or Lilacs until they have flowered so as they flower I mark "OK" on the side of the pot and attach a white name label. Click the picture for a larger image you study more closely or save as wallpaper.


Behind the house I arrange all the Rose stock plants with signs that show the variety name in big letters. In June I will have copies of the disease resistant rose catalog showing hardiness zones and mature sizes. In July I take heal cuttings from every stock plant to root (we will have rooted cuttings that are flowering or that have previously flowered at the plant sale).

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As these plants are sold I will delete them and add more. I can cut the label off with scissors, put it in my pocket and delete the picture when I get home. Click the picture for a larger image you study more closely or save as wallpaper (compare the differences between multiple plants of the same variety).

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Lilac Inventory with pictures similar to these two above is at: When I sell a lilac I retain the yellow label and subtract the picture from my server (later I may reuse the yellow label).

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1. may3inchpotsmall.jpg & 2. maycharlesjolybudsmall.jpg

1. I sell plants mail order in plugs, 2 inch liners, 3 inch pots, 1 gallon pots and 3 gallon pots. When pinxterbloom azaleas and lowbush blueberries outgrow the smallest pot I transplant them into a 3 inch that I can still easily send out flat rate priority mail from the post office across the street (pinxterbloom as plugs or 3 inch is $5, Roses in 2 or 3 inch is still $10 just like a 1 year in a 1 or 3 gallon). When they outgrow the 3 inch pot I transplant into a 1 gallon and sell them for $10 as a 1 year old, $15 as a 2 year old or in a 3 gallon $25 as a 3 year old (a 3 gallon Lilac flowering or previously flowered is $25). When they outgrow the 3 gallon we transplant into a 7 gallon for $30, 15 gallon for $50 or 25 gallon for $75 (7, 15 or 25 gallon are not available mail-order). 2. There seems to be only one 'Charles Joly' Lilac in bud this year which indicates we may have many more next year (when we have only one we keep it so we can propagate from it or use it to advertise the variety from the Lilac Walk in front of the plant sale). This one will be potted into a 25 gallon and placed out among the big Lilacs as an example of the rest of the crop. If you click on the May links above you can check out pictures I took last year though I will start adding these pictures there in a couple weeks too. Pinxterbloom Azalea seedlings will be shipped to me on Monday May 6, Lowbush blueberries will be shipped to me around the end of the month (I only have a few left) but I have lots of Highbush left in 3 gallon.

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3. My mothers Quince bush she used to make great Quince jelly from (we are taking cuttings in July). 4. 'Yolanda d' Aragon' Damask Perpetual Rose for propagation only (we will be taking cuttings in July). One of my subscribers suggested it as a disease resistant old garden rose, I was able to get one (or we will see when it blooms) and maybe I will have some in the future.


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5. & 6. We make a rather large table in front of the barn for our smaller plants including; Low bush Blueberry (300 in 2 inch liners for $5 each as of 2013), Half High 'Northsky' Blueberry, Highbush Blueberry 'Bluecrop' and more, Pinxterbloom Azaleas, a few Rosebay Rhododendrons, Superba lilacs in one gallon, and lots of things that have to be sorted. I can also work here sitting down and pot plants.

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8. mayaucubaefoliaflowersmall.jpg & 9. maycharlesjolyflowersmall.jpg

9. Only one 'Charles Joly' that we will plant in a 25 gallon and place out on the Lilac Walk as representative (probably) of the crop. Next year we should have a bunch starting to flower.

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10. 'Clarks Giant' will have one being used for Layer propagation and the other being potted in 25 gallon for the Lilac Walk. 11. I only have one 'General Sheridan' so I will use that for Layering.

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12. This one that has not flowered yet will be planted in a 25 gallon pot as representative of the crop. Many more should bloom in 2014. 13. We only have a few 'Primrose so after one goes for layering, another into a 25 gallon pot for the Lilac Walk, I don't know that I'll have any left.

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14 & 15 'Nadezhda' we have a bunch of so first thing I have to label all those flowering with surveyors tape. Then we'll bring a bunch to the plant sale and after counting I'll have to mark the green dot with a sharpie marker.

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I have heard that 'Agincourt Beauty' has large florets so I decided to compare it to one that has huge florets 'Clarks Giant'. I also like comparing the shade of purple in each variety and so here it is compared to red-purple 'Monge'.

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18. & 19. Lilacs showing flower buds in the field are an indicator of what will be for sale this year. A lady called the other day to ask if we would have 'Sarah Sands' and my reply was to subscribe. If she did, these pictures should be a good enough reply; looking at this picture I'd say we will have at least three or four. There is a lot of confusion in the nursery trade over what Lilac is what and I don't suggest that I am somehow better than any of them but by selling plants in bloom I let my customers be the judge. And I take closeup pictures of the flower when its blooming so you can see before coming to the plant sale or buying mail-order.

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20 & 21. My Lilac walk is pretty small, just along the sidewalk in front of the house then along behind that first row. I place at least one or two of each crop we grow, usually the first one or two that flower being planted in a 25 gallon or 45 gallon pot in front of the house, sort of a living catalog of what we grow and sell. Click the picture for a larger image you can study more closely and check the date the picture was taken in the lower right hand corner.

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24. We can send plants that have previously flowered proving the variety mail order by removing the pot, reducing the soil a bit and then stuffing the root ball into the box sideways (obviously only one plant to each box $25+$2+$13=$40). The stems are cut to make it fit, when it arrives a customer can plant and fertilize it so that it grows to flower again in another couple years. We use a Flat rate priority mail package from the Post Office across the street (you know, the TV ad that says "If it fits, It ships"). 25. As we take roses out of winter storage we line them up where they can easily be watered and fertilized in the sun, usually behind the house at the plant sale location. These are all "stock plants" that I will be taking cuttings from in July when we cut many roses back. I wont sell them unless they are blooming or have previously bloomed!

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Request for Lilac 'Purple Glory' from Colorado. I will cut this back and reduce the rootball enough so that I can fit it in a large flat rate priority box from the post office across the street (around $25+$2+$15 unless it does not fit in which case I'll have to try someone else). Click the picture for a larger image and note the date I took the picture in the lower right hand corner and the yellow label with a number that matches the one in the file name.


Mail Order & Native Azaleas

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How To Order; 1. Email me with a list of plants that you want to purchase mail-order with your mailing address and phone number and ask to subscribe to the newsletter (to ask questions call me on my cell phone at 518-526-9101). I will call you or email you back with availability (your email is your order form so put everything in it and when I receive it I will print it out in duplicate). 2. Sometime In May we will have plants that have to leave New York State inspected by the Agriculture Inspector. Mail order inside New York doesn't need to be inspected so I can send mail order inside New York almost any time its not to hot or cold. 3. After plants have been inspected we will add up the cost of the plants plus shipping and handling, then call you back to see if you are still interested. 4. Once I call you back to tell you how much to make the check out to You send me a check (certified?) for that amount and as soon as the check clears we will start sending the packaged plants. Lilacs and Roses we will only send if they are flowering or have previously flowered. Plants that are to big for the largest box get cut off to fit.

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The smallest size flat rate priority mail package costs $5.80 as of May 2013 and will easily hold these 5 Pinxterbloom Azalea plugs.

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The medium size flat rate priority mail package costs $12.35 as of May 2013 and will easily hold these 35 Pinxterbloom Azalea plugs (5 per plastic bag).


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I only sell roses that are flowering or that have previously flowered. When they flower, if it proves the variety I will add "OK" below the date and if its the wrong one we will line out the variety name and add the right one. I will take a closeup picture of the flower and place the picture in the newsletter. I sell roses that are one year old or less for $10, two years old for $15 and 3 years old for $25. When they outgrow the pot we will transplant them.

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I usually line them up in a line with others of the same variety. Click on the picture and you can count how many we have of a certain variety in the larger image that will open. Remember though if there is no "OK" on the side of the pot its not for sale.

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Email me and ask about the availability of these varieties.

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26. mayombreeparfaitsmall.jpg & 27. maysirthomasliptonsmall.jpg

26, 27, 28, 29. I dont prune until after roses start to bloom. Then in July we cut them back when taking cuttings. I try to have a sign that will help you find what your looking for but you should print out a copy of my rose page to bring with you to the plant sale.

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30. maysmallroses13small.jpg & 31. floweringrosetrier005small.jpg

30. All my Rooted cuttings of roses in 3 gallon pots. After they flower I sell them for $10 as a 1 year old rose, $15 as a 2 year and $25 as a 3 year. When they outgrow the 3 gallon we pot into a 7 gallon ($30), 15 gallon ($50) or 25 gallon ($75). 45 gallons are not for sale. 31. Own Root 'Trier' in a 1 gallon pot flowering proving the variety.


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I train apple and pear trees to step-over and horizontal t espalier. Crabapple trees are usually trained to belgian fence but sometimes end up being the others. I label each tree with a numbered label and precede the variety name with that number. Note the date the picture was taken in the lower right hand corner. In winter these trees are disconnected from the trellis and the pot is mulched. In spring we retie it to the trellis among lilacs lilacs on weedmat in the field watered by drip irrigation. Later I will overwrite the pictures when they have been weeded and trained further. I choose varieties that I like or am interested in, if I dont sell the trees I will have the fruit. Click the picture for a larger one you can study more closely or save as wallpaper.

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The best trained espalier always cells first but I really don't mind having the rougher made ones. Espalier is the juxtaposition of art and agriculture so these rougher versions are just more artistic while still bearing fruit extremely well. I wrap Remay around the branches after the fruit has been cross-pollinated and it keeps insects from damaging the fruit so I dont spray as much insecticidal soap.

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We use pipe insulators to protect the stems from rabits and other varmints that nibble bark.

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24. Beginning winesap apple tree trained to step-over. 25. V shaped espalier when lined up two feet apart create a belgian fence.


Pinxterbloom Azalea seedlings $286.00

Metal Sign Holders $69.73

8 GB USB Mini Drive Silver, DVD-R 16x Spindle 100 pack, Lanyard 12 pack $49.97

Each month at the bottom of each picture-newsletter I list what I have purchased for the business with the cost.

About the ALL-PICTURE-NEWSLETTER by andyvancleve

Flowering Shrub Farm Monthly All Picture Newsletters; January February March April May 6 to 16 May 20 to 31 June 4 to 7 June 8 to 9 June 11 to 13 June 16 to 25 July August September October November December

Potential Customers subscribe. Each month I send them an email link to the latest picture-newsletter. Every time I interact with one of the crops of plants we grow I take pictures. Flower, Fruit, fall foliage color, and us fertilizing, pruning, potting and more.

When customers see something they like they email me about it or come buy it in bloom.

We grow plants to sell at our plant sale. Read my notes on the zone hardiness numbers I use. Do we do mail order? Check my picture-newsletter Want to purchase? email me.