Piclink1 is a page of links to pages within my web site and what pictures will be found where. Last edited Tuesday, June 23, 2015.

Feel free to download my pictures. If you use them in a publication I would expect the professional courtesy of notifying me and adding a reference within your publication indicating my web page azalea.yonatan.us as the source. Link to other pages at bottom.

I hope to see you at the plant sale this year.

Rose thumbnails on Rosebuy.htm include the following;

Agnes, Alchymist, Alexander Mackenzie, Aloha, Altissimo, Apothecary's, Autumn Damask, Ballerina, Cardinal de Richelieu, Champlain, Constance Spry, Delicata, Country Dancer, Fantin Latour, Fru Dagmar Hastrup, Fruhlingsmorgen, Fruhlingsgold, Furstin von Pless, Geranium, Harisons Yellow, John Davis, John Franklin, Madame De la Roche-Lambert, Madame Hardy, Magnifica, Marguerite Hilling, New Dawn, Parade, Red Leaved Rose, Rosa Mundi, Rosarium Uetersen, Salet, Scabrosa, Stanwell Perpetual, William Baffin, Zepherine Drouhin.

Some of them can be clicked on to open large pictures.

Large Picture pages (a big picture, a description and a link back), include; William Baffin Rose, Alexander Mackenzie Rose, Harisons Yellow Rose, Father Hugos Rose,

Comparison Pictures showing difference in size and tint.

38. Hardy roses; Apothecarys rose, Blanc Double de Coubert, Dr Huey, Country Dancer, John Cabot, Leda, Magnifica, Sir Thomas Lipton, Therese Bugnet, William Baffin,


70. Lilac syrcomparesenmonsarsan1.jpg is a comparison picture showing Flowers from Monge, Sensation and Sarah Sands so you can compare the tint of these three purple lilacs on lilacbuy

Alphabetical by filename (Serviveberry, Juneberry or shadblow begins with amelanchier,

71. Serviceberry amelanchierglenform1.jpg picture that opens on page01.htm

72. Self portrait andy2.jpg picture that opens on Intro.htm


74. Azalea House azaleahousepic1.jpg picture that opens on page08.htm

75. Coldframe picture coldframecollage5.jpg that opens on page24.htm

76. Espalier collageespalier1.jpg picture that opens on page11.htm

77. Garden collagemomsgarden2.jpg picture that opens on page20.htm deleted


79. collagerhoperpin4.jpg picture that opens on rhodobuy.htm and page10.htm and pinkster.htm and rhododen.htm

80. Rose collagerosharyel1.jpg picture that opens on page07.htm and zone3.htm

81. Spiraea collagespiraea2.jpg picture that opens on spiraea.htm

82. Family pictures collagevancleve1.jpg picture that opens on vancleve.htm

83. Family pictures dadandmom03.jpg picture that opens on daytrip.htm

84. Arborvitae deerfence1.jpg picture that opens on page03.htm and deer.htm

85. Espalier espalier6.jpg picture that opens on espalier.htm

86. Espalier espalierazaleahssign15 picture that opens on page19 (problem fixed 12/8/05).

87. Espalier espalierbelgianfenceinwinter2001.jpg picture that opens on page11.htm and espalier.htm

espalierpicture1.jpg picture that opens on espabuy page

89. gardencanterbury picture was deleted on page33.

90. growshrubs1.jpg picture that opens on syrphoto.htm and plantbuy.htm

91. hardyroses1.jpg picture that opens on

92. hibiscusandreagard1.jpg picture that opens on page17.htm

95. hibiscusmomscollageaug1.jpg picture that opens on page05.htm and Hibiscus.htm

96) hibiscussyriacusaug128.jpg picture that opens on page30.htm

97) hibiscussyriacusaug129.jpg picture that opens on page30.htm

98) insectsjapanesebeatle1.jpg picture that opens on calendar.htm and on insects.htm

98.5) joycehouse2.jpg picture that opens on page13.htm Joyces house and garden.

99) maggiesmall1.jpg picture that opens on cards.htm

100) momsroseofsharon1.jpg opens in the middle of labels.htm.

101) plymouthdad1.jpg picture that opens on daytrip.htm

102) porchframedradiant2.jpg picture that opens on page28.htm

103) railroad1.jpg picture that opens on page29.htm

104. rholocgar5.jpg a local garden photo that should be in the newsletter

rhomax_012906.jpg opens on shade.htm

105. rosaagnes5.jpg picture that opens on rosebuy page and page16.htm

106. rosacityofyork1.jpg picture that opens on

107. rosadelicata4.jpg picture that opens on rugosa.htm

108. rosadortmund4.jpg picture that opens on page23.htm

109. rosafantinlatour3.jpg picture that opens on

110. rosafantinlatourclose1.jpg picture that opens on page14.htm

111. rosafimbriata3.jpg picture that opens on

112. rosafruhlingsmorgan1.jpg picture that opens on

113. rosajohndavis1.jpg picture that opens on

114. rosalexandermackenzie1.jpg picture that opens on

115. rosamargueritehilling4.jpg picture that opens on

116. rosamericanpillar1.jpg picture that opens on

117. rosammedelarochelambert5.jpg picture that opens on yonderr1.htm

118. rosamundi4.jpg picture that opens on zone4.htm

119. rosamuskrose5.jpg picture that opens on page18.htm

120. rosaparade3.jpg picture that opens on zone5.htm

121. rosaperpetualwhitemoss3.jpg picture that opens on

122. rosapothecarysrose1.jpg picture that opens on

123. rosasalet4.jpg picture that opens on

124. rosatuscanysuperb4.jpg picture that opens on oldrose.htm

125. rosautumndamask1.jpg picture that opens on

126. roscabotdavis1.jpg picture that opens on

127. roscardinalderichelieu2.jpg picture that opens on yonderro.htm

128. roscompareoldroses2.jpg picture that opens on oldrose.htm

129. roscomplicata1.jpg picture that opens on

130. rosconstancespry1.jpg picture that opens on rosphoto.htm

131. rosecompareinaug2.jpg picture that opens on rosphoto.htm

132. rosecompareinaug5.jpg picture that opens on rosphoto.htm

133. rosfrudagmarhastrup1.jpg picture that opens on page04.htm

134. rosfurstinvonpless1.jpg picture that opens on rosphoto.htm

135. rosharisonsyellow1.jpg picture that opens on page09.htm

136. rosharisonsyellow99.jpg picture that opens on page25.htm

137. rosmadamehardy1.jpg picture that opens on

138. rosmagnifica1.jpg picture that opens on

139. rosmoyesiigeranium1.jpg picture that opens on

140. rosmrsanthonywaterer1.jpg picture that opens on

141. rosstanwellperpetual1.jpg picture that opens on page12.htm

142. roswhitecockade1.jpg picture that opens on

143. roswilliambaffin1.jpg picture that is linked to labels.htm

roswilliambaffinshrub1.jpg picture that is linked to labels.htm

144. sparieshoop1.jpg picture that opens on

145. syraecubifolia4.jpg picture that opens on syrphoto.htm

146. syragincourtbeauty1.jpg picture that opens on syrphoto.htm

147. syrcomparesenmonsarsan1.jpg picture that opens on page06.htm and syrphoto.htm

148. syringalaciniata1.jpg picture that opens on Lilacs.htm and syrphoto.htm

149. syrjammac1.jpg picture that opens on syrphoto.htm

150. syrlilacwalk2.jpg picture that opens on page15.htm

151. syrlilacwalk3.jpg picture that opens on page26.htm

152. syrlilwalk1.jpg

153. syrpresidentpoincaireclose4.jpg picture that opens on page22.htm and syrphoto.htm

154. syrsylvanbeauty4.jpg picture that opens on syrphoto.htm and lilaca2z.htm

155. syrvulvville1.jpg picture that opens on page21.htm and syrphoto.htm

156. weed collage removed

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