ROSES A-M is our inventory of roses at the flowering shrub farm in Voorheesville, NY 12186 09:54 ROSES A THROUGH M ROSES N THROUGH Z


In my most recent inventory I am taking a picture of the sign that you see below. The number on the green dot shows how many plants for $30 each that we will have for sale as of the date on the sign. If you click the picture it should open a larger picture of the group of plants gathered around the sign as of May 2012.

094) AGNES Hybrid Rugosa Rose, R. rugosa x R. foetida, Agnes Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced around 1922 (zones 4 thru 8, 6 feet x 5 feet). Mildly fragrant flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Click on the blue link for additional pictures of each variety.

#222 - ALAIN BLANCHARD - 1839, Centifolia, zones 4b thru 8b, 5 feet x 4 feet, crimson with purple mottling, cemtifolia x gallica

198 'Alba' Hybrid Rugosa Rose 'Alba' is a white flowered variant of Hybrid Rugosa Rose also called the 'Hedgehog Rose' and 'The Japanese Rose', 8 feet tall, hardy in zone 3. flowers all summer. I cant possibly place pictures of every rose I sell on this one page but by clicking the rose name you can open a page with additional pictures of that variety or by clicking the type of rose you can visit a page with a somewhat smaller list with pictures of those varieties.

001) ALBA MAXIMA, Alba Rose double flowered sport of alba semi plena. flowers for several weeks in spring to early summer. Hardy in zones 3 through 9, 8 feet tall x 8 feet wide. In July every year I take cuttings from many of these roses and send them to the greenhouse. The following year we pot the rooted cuttings in 3 gallon pots and grow them until they flower proving the variety.

147 ALBA SEMI PLENA, 'White Rose of York', 'Bonnie Prince Charlie's Rose', 'La Rose de York', Rosa x alba suaveolens, Rosa x alba nivea, Rosa alba 'Semi plena' Alba Rose introduced before 1597, (zones 3 thru 9, 8 feet x 5 feet), strongly fragrant flowers for several weeks in spring to early summer. We transplant roses in 3 gallons that have flowered into seven gallon pots and add the new numbers to the tally on a green dot. As I sell them I attach a new green dot with the new number.

002) ALBERTINE, Albertine Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose (crop 002) introduced around 1921, growing up to 25 feet wide on a trllis, hardy in zone 5 it has pink flowers that have a massive bloom for several weeks in early summer (n/r) , References; ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 153, zone 7(0 f)), ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 2), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 23, 68, sh117), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 72, sh:316). Growing well in the lower field. Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 20 feet tall and wide. I am tired of web pages that show tiny little thumbnail pictures of the roses I am interested in and I imagine you are too. So I have designed my pages with somewhat larger shots that link to images good for use as wallpaper. And I am trying to provide links that make it easier to navigate elsewhere when you want to go there.

190 ALBERIC BARBIER Alberic Barbier Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose introduced around 1900, zones 4 through 10, growing up to 25 feet wide on a trellis or can be trained into a tree (crop 190), hardy in zone 5 though one author has suggested its hardy in zone 4, extremely vigorous growth, shade tolerant, one author indicated it has been known to flower with only one hour of sun per day, 3 inch semi-double to double with a mild apple fragrance that bloom in early summer only (n/r), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 191, zones 4-10, DR-0/0, 15' x10', extremely vigorous growth, shade tolerant has been known to flower with only one hour of sun per day), (Barron's, 44), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 102, 104), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 42), ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 150, zone 8(10f)). Growing well in the Rose hedge (check the newsletter for pictures). Every month I add new pictures to my picture-newsletter and often over write the best here and in other pages.

169 ALCHEMIST or ALCHYMIST 'Alchemist' or 'Alchymist' Hybrid Sweet Briar Modern Shrub Rose introduced in 1956. , blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Growing well in the Rose hedge. Hardy in zones 4 through 9, 8 feet tall x 8 feet wide. Whenever I interact with one of my crops there's a possibility of new and better pictures that I love to share. Especially interesting to many are those roses that have grown into some of our largest pots because they can provide you with an idea of just how wonderfully they flower and how large they can get.

098) ALEXANDER MACKENZIE Explorer Rose, Alexander Mackenzie Explorer Rose introduced in 1984, zones 4 through 8, grows to around 6 feet, it has double flowers in red shades that bloom in summer, it is recurrent. Larger plants are sometimes sold to landscape architects from Boston and New York City but until then are placed out in front of my place near the sidewalk for the enjoyment of passersby.

196 ALFRED DE DALMAS Mousseline, Moss Rose introduced in 1855. Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 4 feet tall x 2 feet wide., flowers for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

#223 - AMELIE GRAVEREAUX - 1903, Hybrid Rugosa Rose, zones 4a thru 5b, 5 feet x 4 feet, dark purple flowers,

003) AMERICAN PILLAR, Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose introduced in 1902, zones 4 through 9, 25 feet wide on a fence or trellis, ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, sh156, zone 5(-20 f)), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 204, zones 5-9), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 73, sh:308), 25 feet wide, non recurrent single pink and white flowers. flowers for several weeks late spring to early summer.

182 ANAIS SEGALES 'Anais Segales' Moss Rose introduced in 1837 zones 4 thru 8, 4 feet x 4 feet, strongly fragrant, flowers for several weeks late spring to early summer.

004) APOTHECARY'S ROSE 'Apothecary's Rose', Rosa gallica 'officinallis', 'Red Rose of Lancaster' 'Rose of Provins' Gallica Roses introduced before 1500 (zones 4 thru 10, 3 feet x 3 feet'), fragrant blooms for several weeks late spring to early summer in our area.

005) Autumn Damask, Four Seasons, Rose des Quatre Saisons, Rose of Castille, 'Four Seasons' Autumn Damask Rose aka 'Autumn Damask', 'Quatre Saisons', 'Castilian', 'Old Castilian', 'Rose des Quatre Saisons', Rosa bifera, Rosa bifera semperflorens, Rosa damascena bifera, Rosa damascena semperflorens, Rosa semperflorens, 'Rose of Castille' (R. abyssinica x R. gallica), Old garden rose introduced before 1600, reputedly hardy in zones 4 thru 7, 4 feet x 3 feet, fragrant, pink, double flowers, bloom for us from late spring through summer usually in flushes with discernable periods of non flowering between.

006) 'BASYE'S PURPLE' Hybrid Rugosa Rose, Basye's Purple (Rosa rugosa x Rosa foliolosa Hybrid) Rose, (zones 5 thru 8, 5 feet x 5 feet), blooms all summer for us.

007) 'BALLERINA'_Hybrid Musk, Ballerina Hybrid Musk Rose introduced by Pemberton around 1937 (zones 5 thru 9, 4 feet x 3 feet) blooms reliably for us throughout summer when regularly dead headed and fertilized.

370 Belinda Hybrid Musk Rose introduced in 1936, Zone 6 through 10, 4 feet by 4 feet, pink semi double flowers with a strong fragrance bloom all summer

181BELLE DE CRECY, 'Belle de Crecy' Hybrid Gallica Rose (zones 4 thru 8, 5 feet x 3 feet ), strongly fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

008) 'BELLE_POITEVINE' Hybrid Rugosa Rose, 'Belle Poitevine' Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced around 1894 (zones 4 thru 8, 4 feet x 4 feet) fragrant blooms, several times for us throughout summer when regularly dead headed and fertilized, yellow fall foliage.

'Bonnie Prince Charlie's Rose' look up as 'semi plena'

118) CAMAIEUX Hybrid Gallica Rose introduced around 1826, Hardy in zones 4 through 8, 3 to 4 feet tall x 3 feet wide, non-recurrent, flowers for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

116) CARDINAL de RICHELIEU Hybrid Gallica 'Cardinal de Richelieu' Gallica Rose Old Garden Rose introduced before 1847, (zones 4 thru 8, 4 feet x 6 feet), fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

114) CELESTIAL or CELESTE Alba Rose, 'Celeste', 'Celestial' Alba Old Garden Rose introduced before 1600, (zones 3 thru 8, 6 feet x 4 feet), fragrant and shade tolerant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

012) 'CELSIANA' Damask Rose, 'Celsiana' Damask old garden Rose' introduced before 1732 (zones 4 thru 8, 4 feet x 4 feet) blooms for several weeks late spring to early summer (not-recurrent).

191 CENTIFOLIA Rosa centifolia 'Cabbage Rose' Centifolia Rose introduced before 1600 (zones 4 thru 9, 6 feet x 5 feet ), strongly fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

013) 'CHAMPLAIN' Explorer, Champlain Explorer Rose introduced around 1982 grows to 3 feet and is hardy to zones 3 thru 9, it blooms all summer when regularly fertilized and dead headed.

99) CHARLES ALBANEL Hybrid Rugosa Rose, Hardy in zones 2 through 9, 4 feet tall x 3 feet wide., pink, introduced in 1982, blooms in flushes throughout summer, a hybrid of Souvenir.....

014) 'CITY OF YORK' 'City of York', 'Direktor Benschop', Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose introduced by Tantau around 1945 (zones 5 thru 9, 8 feet x 8 feet or can be stretched 20 feet on a fence) large clusters of fragrant flowers for several weeks late spring to early summer (not-recurrent) followed by scattered flowers occasionally later in the season.

016) 'COMPLICATA' Gallica Rose Complicata Gallica Old Garden Rose introduced before 1800 (zone 5 to 8, 8'x8'), blooms for several weeks late spring to early summer.

164) 'Comte de Chambord' Portland rose, zone 5, pink flowers 'Comte de Chambord' Portland Portland Old Garden Rose introduced in 1860. Zones 5 thru 9, 4 feet x 4 feet, fragrant. Blooms for us throughout summer in flushes when the faded flowers are regularly pinched off.

017) 'CONRAD FERDINAND MEYER Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced before 1899 (zones 5 thru 9, 6'x6'), Blooms all summer when regularly fertilized and dead headed.

018) 'CONSTANCE_SPRY', 'Constance Spry' Climbing Rose introduced around 1961 (Zones 5 thru 9, 10'x10'), blooms for several weeks late spring to early summer.

183 'Cornelia' 'Cornelia' Hybrid Musk shrub rose introduced in 1925 (zones 5 thru 10, 5 feet x 45 feet ), shade tolerant, almost thornless, it blooms for us in flushes throughout the season.

134 Crested Moss, introduced in 1827, zone 5 to 9, 6 feet tall, non-recurrent 'Cristata' or Chapeau de Napoleon Moss Rose, (zones 4b thru 9, 6 feet tall) it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 102), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 62, zones 5-9).

95) DAVID THOMPSON Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in 1979, zone 3, 5 feet tall, recurrent, blooms all summer.

172 Dart's Dash 'Darts Dash' Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in Holland (zones 3 thru 10, 3 feet x 4 feet ), strongly fragrant, it blooms for us all summer.

96) DELICATA Hybrid Rugosa Rose, 'Delicata Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced around 1898 by Cooling (zones 3 thru 8, 4 feet x 4 feet ), strongly fragrant, it blooms for us eratically throughout summer (somewhat recurrent), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 139) ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 71, 134, zones 3-10, DR-0/0), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 136, zones 3-9).

20) 'DORTMUND' Kordesii Rose introduced in 1955, zones 4 through 9, 8 feet tall and wide trained onto my apple hedge, cherry red flowers strong bloom in late spring to early summer with some repeat if regularly fertilized and dead headed.

21) 'DR. ECKENER' Hybrid Rugosa Rose 'Dr Eckener' Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in 1931 (zones 5 thru 9, 6'x6'), blooms all summer if dead headed and fertilized regularly.

#224 - DUC DE CAMBRIDGE- 1800, Damask, 4 to 8 feet tall, zones 4b thru 9b, Mauve blend.

199 'Duc de Guiche' Gallica Rose Introduced before 1810, Zones 4 through 8, 4 feet tall and wide, Duc de Guiche, Gallica Rose, Mauve, very fragrant, flowers for several weeks in late spring to early summer,

184 Duchesse de Montebello 'Duchesse de Montebello' Gallica Rose (or hybrid china) old garden rose introduced by Laffay in 1824 (zones 4 thru 8, 4 feet x 3 feet ), strongly fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

194 Duchess of Portland introduced before 1775, zones 4 through 8, 4 feet by 3 feet, four seasons x slaters crimson, flowers for several weeks in late spring to summer.

23) 'FANTIN LATOUR', 'Fantin Latour' Centifolia Rose introduced around 1900 (zones 4 thru 9, 4'x4'), blooms for several weeks late spring to early summer. Growing well in a raised bed near the sidewalk.

24) 'FATHER_HUGO'S ROSE'_Species Rose, Father Hugo's Rose, The Golden Rose of China discovered around 1899 (zones 5 thru 9, 5'x5') blooms for several weeks late spring to early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk.

185 Felicite Parmentier 'Felicite Parmentier' Alba Rose introduced before 1836 (zones 4 thru 9, 4 feet x 3 feet ), shade tolerant and strongly fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

173 Felicite et Perpetue Alba Rose introduced in 1828, Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 15 to 20 feet wide.("Classic Roses" Beales, flower & leaf picture : page 312) ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 66) Named by The Duc d'Orleans after his twin daughters in (Felicitas and Perpetua). Flowers for several weeks in summer it grows to around six feet with small white rosette flowers. Seemingly derived from Rosa sempervirens

135 Ferdinand Pichard Flowers all summer striped red. Hardy in zones 4 through 9, 4 feet tall x 4 feet wide

97) FIMBRIATA Fimbriata Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in 1891 (zones 4 thru 8, 5'x4'), fragrant 3 inch flowers in clusters all summer when regularly deadheaded and fertilized.

186 Francois Juranville 'Francois Juranville' Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose introduced in France around 1906 (zones 4 thru 9, 25 feet x 10 feet ), shade tolerant with a strong apple fragrance, it blooms for for several weeks in early summer, with occasional repeat (semi-recurrent) when regularly dead headed and fertilized.

25) 'FRU DAGMAR HASTRUP' Hybrid Rugosa Rose, zone 3, 3 feet tall, recurrent.

26) 'FRUHLINGSMORGAN' Hybrid Scotch, 'Fruhlingsmorgen', 'Spring Morning', (introduced around 1942) Zones 5 to 9, 5 feet x 5 feet, Blooms for several weeks late spring to early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot, near the sidewalk next to the Harisons Yellows.

27) 'FRUHLINGSGOLD' Hybrid Scotch, non recurrent,

100) FURSTIN VON PLESS Hybrid Rugosa Rose, Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 4 feet tall x 4 feet wide. white double

28) 'GERANIUM'_Hybrid Moyesii Rose, 'Geranium' Hybrid moyesii rose introduced in 1938 hardy in Zones 5 thru 8 and growing at least 6'x5' it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot in the side garden near Stewarts.

046 'GOLDFINCH' Multiflora Rambler (Paul, 1907), small semidouble flowers with deep yellow stamens in clusters of up to 25, apricot buds open to yellow flowers that quickly fade to white, fruity scent, 6 feet tall by 12 feet wide as a shrub or can be stretched on a trellis. The canes are nearly thornless, easily propagated from hardwood cuttings. Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 9 feet tall x 4 feet wide.

139 Great Maidens Blush, or Cuisse de Nymphe or Nymph's Thigh or La Virginale or La Seduisante or The Seductress or Incarnata or Maidens Blush, 'Great Maidens Blush', 'Cuisse de Nymphe', 'Nymph's Thigh', 'La Virginale', 'La Seduisante' 'The Seductress' 'Incarnata' or 'Maidens Blush', Alba Rose introduced before 1400, (zones 3 thru 8, 6 feet x 6 feet), fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk.

29) 'HANSA' Hybrid Rugosa Rose, 'Hansa' Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced around 1905 (Zones 3 thru 7, 5 feet x 5 feet) fragrant flowers bloom late spring and throughout summer.

30) 'Harisons Yellow', Harison's Yellow, Harrison's Yellow, 'Harison's Yellow' (Persian foetida Rose x Scottish spinosissima Rose ) Hybrid Old Garden Rose introduced around 1824 (zones 4 thru 9, 8'x8'), blooms for several weeks in late spring or early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk.

200 'Hebes Lip' 'Hebes Lip', 'Reine Blanche', 'Rubrotincta', zones 4 thru 9, thought to be a cross between a damask rose and Rosa eglanteria but doesn't have scented foliage, grows to around 4 feet tall, extremely disease resistant, semi-double white flowers with gold stamens, introduced prior to 1846,

174 Henry Kelsey 'Henry Kelsey' Hybrid Kordesii Rose, Explorer Rose introduced in 1984. (Zones 2 thru 10, 8 feet x 6 feet) shade tolerant, moderately fragrant flowers bloom late spring and throughout summer. ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 181, zones 2-10, DR-1/0).

187 Henri Martin 'Henri Martin', 'Red Moss' Moss Rose introduced in 1862 (zones 4 thru 8, 5 feet x 5 feet ), strongly fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

188 Hippolyte 'Hippolyte' Gallica Rose Old Garden Rose introduced 1842, Zones 4 thru 9, 6 feet x 5 feet, very fragrant flowers bloom for several weeks late spring to early summer.

201 'Ipsilante' 1821 'Ipsilante', Ypsilante', Gallica Rose, Mauve pink flowers, fragrant, disease resistant, grows to around 5 feet tall, introduced in 1821, Hardy in zones 4 through 9, 5 feet tall x 3 feet wide.

31) 'ISPAHAN' Damask Rose, 'Ispahan', 'Isfahan', 'Pompon des Princes', 'Rose d'Isfahan' Damask Old Garden Rose introduced before 1832, (zones 3 thru 9, 4'x4'), strongly fragrant it blooms for us in late spring to early summer. ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 48, zone 5 (-13f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 120, zones 3-8), (Cruse, 48), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:186), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 44, zones 5-9), ("Landscaping with Antique Roses" Druitt & Shoup, page 132, zone 3, non-recurrent). Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk.

102) JENS MUNK Hybrid Rugosa Rose, Introduced in 1979, Hardy in zones 4 through 8, 6 feet tall x 5 feet wide.

32) 'JOHN CABOT' 'John Cabot' Explorer Rose introduced in 1978 (zones 3 thru 9, 6'x6') blooms all summer when regularly dead headed and fertilized.

33) 'JOHN_DAVIS', Explorer Rose zone 3, 6 feet tall, recurrent

157) Kathleen Harrop, zone 5, 10 feet tall, recurrent.

Kazanlik go to Trigintipetala

117) KONIGIN VON DANEMARK Alba Rose, 'Konigin Von Danemark', 'Queen of Denmark', 'Naissance de Venus', Alba Old Garden Rose introduced in 1826, (zones 4 thru 9, 4 feet x 4 feet), fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer, ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 52, zone4 (-30f) one of the best), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 124, zones 3-8), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 167, zones 3-10, DR-0/0), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 153), (Scanniello, 64), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:201), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 76) (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 35, zone 4-8).

158) La Belle Sultane or Violacea, 'La Belle' Sultane', 'Violacea' Hybrid Gallica Rose introduced around 1795. (Zones 4 thru 8, 5 feet x 5 feet) fragrant flowers bloom for 6 to 8 weeks late spring to early summer, orange fall foliage (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 54, zones 4-8), ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 34, zone 5), ("Roses" Beales, 151, R. gallica violacea), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 60), ("The Organic Rose Garden" Druitt, 64), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 160). Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk.

'La Rose de York' look up as 'semi plena

34) 'LEDA' Damask Rose, 'Leda', 'Painted Damask' Damask Old Garden Rose introduced in 1827, (zones 4 thru 9, 4'x7'), strongly fragrant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer, ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 44, zone5 (-13f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 126, zones 3-8), ("The Art of Gardening with Roses" Thomas, sh73), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:187), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 80) ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 142, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page45, zones 4-9). Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk.

140 leverkusen, 'Leverkusen' Kordesii Rose introduced in 1954 (zones 5 thru 10, 8'x8'), shade tolerant, fragrant flowers bloom for us throughout summer, ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 184, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), ("Classic Roses" Beales, sh:224). Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk.

141 Lichkonigin Lucia, Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 6 feet wide.

215 Marie Bugnet Hybrid Rugosa, Introduced in 1963 white double, Hardy in zones 2 through 9, 3 feet tall x 3 feet wide.

218 Mme Georges Bruant Hybrid Rugosa introduced in 1887 white double, Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 5 feet tall x 4 feet wide.

35) 'MADAM_HARDY' Damask Rose, 'Mme Hardy', 'Madame Hardy' Damask Old Garden Rose introduced in 1832, (zones 4 thru 9, 5'x5'), shade tolerant and strongly fragrant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 129, zones 4-8), ("The Art of Gardening With Roses" Thomas, sh58), (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 104), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 157), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 55), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 46, zones 5-8), named for the wife of the head gardener for the Empress Josephine of France (Mr Hardy).

175 Mme Legras de St. Germain 'Mme Legras De St Germain' Alba Rose introduced before 1848. (Zones 3 thru 9, 6 feet x 6 feet or can be stretched on a trellis to 15 feet) fragrant flowers bloom for several weeks late spring to early summer. ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 55, zone4(-30f)), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 153), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 35, zone 3-8).

160) Madame Plantier, Alba Rose, 'Mme Plantier' Alba Rose introduced before 1835, (zones 4 thru 8, 5 feet x 5 feet but can be trained on a trellis, fence or into a tree 10 to 20 feet), fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

36) 'MAGNIFICA'_Hybrid Rugosa Rose zones 4 thru 8, 5' tall, recurrent, 4 inch double flowers, (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 141, zones 4-8), (hr/5feet/red-purple/double/4inches/ff).

38) 'MRS ANTHONY WATERER' Hybrid Rugosa Rose Introduced in 1896, Hardy in zones 4 through 9, 6 feet tall x 5 feet wide.