Alphabetical List of Roses we try to have for sale starting with the letter A;



Agatha Incarnata gallica rose (1800 Hybrid Gallica) zones 4b thru 8b, 4 feet x 4 feet, found rose, strong fragrance

094) AGNES Hybrid Rugosa Rose, R. rugosa x R. foetida, Agnes Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced around 1922 (zones 3a thru 8b, 6 feet x 5 feet). Mildly fragrant flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

222 Alain Blanchard 4b thru 8b, 5x4, 1839, crimson w/purple mottling, gallica rose, strong fragrance.

198 'Alba' Rugosa Rose 'Alba' is a white flowered variant of Rosa Rugosa Rose also called the 'Hedgehog Rose' and 'The Japanese Rose', 8 feet tall, hardy in zone 2b through 8b. flowers all summer

001) ALBA MAXIMA, Alba Rose double flowered sport of alba semi plena. flowers for several weeks in spring to early summer. Hardy in zones 3b through 9b, 8 feet tall x 8 feet wide.

147 ALBA SEMI PLENA, 'White Rose of York', 'Bonnie Prince Charlie's Rose', 'La Rose de York', Rosa x alba suaveolens, Rosa x alba nivea, Rosa alba 'Semi plena' Alba Rose introduced before 1597, (zones 3b thru 9b, 8 feet x 5 feet), strongly fragrant flowers for several weeks in spring to early summer

002) ALBERTINE, Albertine Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose (crop 002) introduced around 1921, growing up to 25 feet wide on a trllis, hardy in zone 5 it has pink flowers that have a massive bloom for several weeks in early summer (n/r) , References; ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 153, zone 7(0 f)), ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 2), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 23, 68, sh117), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 72, sh:316). Growing well in the lower field. Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 20 feet tall and wide.

190 ALBERIC BARBIER Alberic Barbier Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose introduced around 1900, zones 4 through 10, growing up to 25 feet wide on a trellis or can be trained into a tree (crop 190), hardy in zone 5 though one author has suggested its hardy in zone 4, extremely vigorous growth, shade tolerant, one author indicated it has been known to flower with only one hour of sun per day, 3 inch semi-double to double with a mild apple fragrance that bloom in early summer only (n/r), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 191, zones 4-10, DR-0/0, 15' x10', extremely vigorous growth, shade tolerant has been known to flower with only one hour of sun per day), (Barron's, 44), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 102, 104), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 42), ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 150, zone 8(10f)).

169 ALCHEMIST or ALCHYMIST 'Alchemist' or 'Alchymist' Hybrid Sweet Briar Modern Shrub Rose introduced in 1956. , blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Growing well in the Rose hedge. Hardy in zones 4b through 9b, 8 feet tall x 8 feet wide.

098) ALEXANDER MACKENZIE Explorer Rose, Alexander Mackenzie Explorer Rose introduced in 1984, zones 3b and warmer, grows to around 6 feet, it has double flowers in red shades that bloom in summer, it is recurrent.

196 ALFRED DE DALMAS Mousseline, Moss Rose introduced in 1855. Hardy in zones 6 through 9, 4 feet tall x 2 feet wide., flowers for several weeks in late spring to early summer.

223 Amelie Gravereaux Rose 1903 Hybrid rugosa, 4a thru 5b, 5 feet x 5 feet, dark purple flowers strongly fragrant

003) AMERICAN PILLAR, Climbing or Wichuranna Rambler Rose introduced in 1902, zones 4b through 9b, 25 feet wide on a fence or trellis, ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, sh156, zone 5(-20 f)), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 204, zones 5-9), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 73, sh:308), 25 feet wide, non recurrent single pink and white flowers. flowers for several weeks late spring to early summer

182 ANAIS SEGALES 'Anais Segales' Moss Rose introduced in 1837 zones 4 thru 8, 4 feet x 4 feet, strongly fragrant, flowers for several weeks late spring to early summer.

004) APOTHECARY'S ROSE 'Apothecary's Rose', Rosa gallica 'officinallis', 'Red Rose of Lancaster' 'Rose of Provins' Gallica Roses introduced before 1500 (zones 3b thru 8b, 3 feet x 3 feet'), fragrant blooms for several weeks late spring to early summer in our area

005) Autumn Damask, Four Seasons, Rose des Quatre Saisons, Rose of Castille, 'Four Seasons' Autumn Damask Rose aka 'Autumn Damask', 'Quatre Saisons', 'Castilian', 'Old Castilian', 'Rose des Quatre Saisons', Rosa bifera, Rosa bifera semperflorens, Rosa damascena bifera, Rosa damascena semperflorens, Rosa semperflorens, 'Rose of Castille' (R. abyssinica x R. gallica), Old garden rose introduced before 1600, reputedly hardy in zones 4 thru 7, 4 feet x 3 feet, fragrant, pink, double flowers, bloom for us from late spring through summer usually in flushes with discernable periods of non flowering between

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