LILACIN is an inventory of the 50 varieties of Lilacs we grow for sale at The Flowering Shrub Farm in Voorheesville, NY 12186. We propagate and grow hundreds of own root plants every year. If you want to purchase contact me. 09:53. Clicking any of the pictures of each variety may open a larger image you can study more closely or save as wallpaper.

'ANDENKEN AN LUDWIG SPAETH' #086 Lilac with Purple single flowers (10) Syringa vulgaris lilac, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. 'Ludwig Spaeth' Lilac has single, very dark purple flowers that bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Spaeth, 1883).

'ADELAIDE DUNBAR' #077 French Lilac with Purple double flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 4 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Double purple flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Dunbar, 1916). Mr Dunbar worked in Rochester, NY. No closeup of the flower? Probably none for sale yet.

'AGINCOURT BEAUTY' #078 Lilac has Purple single flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Single deep purple flowers, bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Slater, 1968). Mr Slater (-1982) had a Nursery in Agincourt, Ontario, Canada. Picture on Right may show plants of this variety available mailorder in one gallon pots as of a date in the corner (larger sizes may be available at the plant sale).

'AMI SCHOTT' #022 French Lilac with Blue double flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Double blue flowers with silvery reverse, bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Lemoine, 1933). Clicking any of the pictures of each variety may open a larger image you can study more closely or save as wallpaper.

'AUCUBAEFOLIA' #076 French Lilac with Blue double flowers Crop 076 Lilac also called 'Dappled Dawn' Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. 'Aucubaefolia' is a sport of 'President Grevy', with variegated green and gold leaves, double blue flowers. Introduced by Auguste Gouchault (1851-1936) who was a nurseryman in Orleans, France. My camera usually inserts the date the picture was taken in the lower right hand corner (clicking on a small image opens one you can study more closely or save as wallpaper).

'BELLE DE NANCY' #069 French Lilac with double pink flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilacs, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year.

'CHARLES JOLY' #042 French Lilac with Purple double flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Double purple-red flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Lemoine, 1896).

'Clark's Giant' #080 Lilac has single rosy mauve flowers of enormous floret size on Left. Syringa hyacinthaflora Lilac Zones 4 thru 8, 10 feet x 6 feet, single rosy mauve flowers of enormous floret size bloom for several weeks in late May to early June locally with longer bloom in cool conditions and shorter bloom under warm conditions. The first patented Lilac #754 Introduced in 1948 from the Clarke Nursery in San Jose, California.

'Congo' #131 Lilac has bright deep reddish flowers Syringa vulgaris Hybrid (pots sometimes incorectly labeled as #9), Zones 3 thru 8, 10 feet x 6 feet, bright deep reddish flowers bloom for several weeks in late May to early June locally with longer bloom in cool conditions and shorter bloom under warm conditions. Introduced by Lemoine in 1896.

'DARK NIGHT' #081 Lilac has single purple flowers (10), Syringa hyacinthaflora, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot per year. Should be pink-purple (Class VII) single flowers for several weeks in early spring, (Sobek, 1966). John Sobek is a grower in California.

'DONALD WYMAN' #123 Lilac has single Lavender flowers (S. prestoniae) Zone 3 large lavender-purple flowers (Skinner, 1944). Mr Skinners Nursery was in Dropmore, Manitoba, Canada.

'EDWARD J GARDNER' #082 French Lilac has double Pink flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Double pink flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, the best double pink flowered lilac (Gardner, <1950). Double flowering pink french lilac, one of my favorites. Edward Gardner (1891-1952) was a nurseryman in Horicon, Wisconsin.

'FOREST KRESSER SMITH' #083 Lilac has Lavender single flowers (13), Syringa hyacinthaflora, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot per year. Single lavender flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Sobek, ).

'JAMES MACFARLANE' #109 Lilac has pink single flowers (14) (S. prestoniae) Zones 4 thru 8, small non-suckering tree that grows to around 9 feet tall, pink flowers for several weeks in late spring that usually begin to bloom a week or so after Syringa vulgaris, commonly referred to as James Macfarland lilac by mistake (Yeager, 1959).

'KRASAVITSA MOSKVY' #084 Lilac has white double flowers from pink buds Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. (Kolesnikov, 1974).

'MISS CANADA' #087 Lilac has pink single flowers (S. prestoniae) zones 3 thru 8, pink non suckering tree to around 9 feet, zones 4 to 6, sun (Cumming, 1967).

'MME LEMOINE #063 French Lilac has white double flowes Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. (Lemoine, 1896).

'MICHEL BUCHNER' #045 French Lilac has pink double flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. (Lemoine, 1885).

'MONGE' #088 Lilac has magenta single flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Introduced in 1913 (Lemoine, 1913). reddish-purple flowers. Mr Lemoine (1862-1943) was a nurseryman in Nancy, France. Cuttings in a ziplock bag may not have rooted yet (check next spring as I over-write with pictures of rooted cuttings or delete those where I have no rooted cuttings for sale).

'NADEZHDA' #072 Lilac has blue double flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Double bicolor lilac-blue flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Kolesnikov, <1970). Leonid Kolesnikov (1893-1973) was a hybridist in Moscow, Russia.

'PAUL THIRION' #070 Lilac has red double flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Deep reddish-pink double flowers for several weeks in spring (Lemoine, 1915). Mr Lemoine (1862-1943) was a nurseryman in Nancy, France.

'POCAHONTAS' #113 Lilac has purple single flowers Syringa hyacinthaflora lilacs are hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot per year. Purple single flowers for several weeks in spring (introduced by Skinner in 1935). Mr Skinners (1882-1967) Nursery was in Dropmore, Manitoba, Canada.

'PRESIDENT GREVY' #052 Lilac has blue double flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Blue flowers (Lemoine, 1886).

'President Lincoln' #376 Lilac with blue-single flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. We will stick cuttings from this lilac in one gallon pots each spring for mail-order (if they root). Click the blue link for a page that has a collection of pictures of this Lilac from the newsletter. (Dunbar, 1916).

'PRESIDENT POINCAIRE' #089 Lilac has magenta double flowers Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Magenta-red double flowers (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) and usually grow to 10 or 12 feet (Lemoine, 1913).

'PRIMROSE' #162 Lilac has yellowish-white single flowers Holden Arboretum derived. Maarse. slower growing, Even though it appears in most photos to be yellow its color is a chalk or creamy yellow that only appears yellow in contrast to white (and sometimes even then isn't what the photos show).

'PURPLE GLORY' #073 Lilac has purple single flowers Syringa hyacinthaflora lilacs are hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot per year. Single bluish-purple flowers that flowers for several weeks in early spring, (Clarke, 1949). Mr Clarke's Nursery was in San Jose, California.

'ROCHESTER' #090 Lilac has white single flowers zones 3 thru 8, single white flowers that bloom for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Difficult to root cuttings we will stool layer this lilac for mail-order.

'SARAH SANDS' Purple single flowers Crop 091 Lilac Syringa vulgaris, Common lilac, hardy in zones 3 through 8 and may grow up to a foot and a half per year. Single dark purple flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring to early summer. (Havemeyer, 1943).

'SENSATION' Purple single flowers Crop 092 Lilac (Maarse, 1938).

'SUPERBA' Pink single flowers Crop 129 Lilac, Syringa microphylla 'Superba' (Chenault, 1934). We carry 'Superba' in 1 gallon pots because the plant is distinctive, it blooms when quite small and it is sometimes used as a hedge planted two feet apart.

229 Violetta started in 2013 I use pictures from my photo album to fill spaces when those spaces have no picture yet. When I overwrite this picture it will show the current crop as cuttings before they are potted up.

230 'Znamya Lenina' a Syringa vulgaris introduced by Kolesnikov in 1963 single red flowers

Lilacs by Mail is a picture of the Lilacs we have as of the date in the lower right hand corner that you can purchase mail-order. Click this picture for a larger image you can save as wallpaper or study more closely.

How we grow Lilacs Pictures of Lilacs in the fields We grow plants to sell at our plant sale. Read my notes on the zone hardiness numbers I use. Do we do mail order? Check my picture-newsletter Want to purchase? email me