Picture Newsletter by andyvancleve of www.floweringshrubfarm.com 050809 or May 8, 2009

Below are the peonies we're growing. They wont be sold until they flower, just like everything else (plantsale050809_093.jpg).

We have placed 96 'Andenken an Ludwig Spaeth' Lilacs in the front yard where they can be enjoyed as they bloom by people passing on the sidewalk until they are sold (syringasale050809_088.jpg).

I also have a number of Lilacs blooming in 45 gallon pots that aren't for sale but are examples of other crops of Lilacs we are growing that haven't yet begun to bloom (syredwardjgardner050809_061.jpg). This Edward J Gardner French Lilac is a good example with double pink flowers (hose in hose) that are strongly fragrant.

Another example is 'Forest Kresser Smith' (syrforrestkressersmith050809_034.jpg).

Below is a picture of where I am transplanting lilacs from 2.5 inch pots into 4 inch pots and one gallon pots (syringasmall050809_039.jpg). We finally transplant into a 3 gallon that is grown under a drip line in our fields until they bloom. But in the smaller sizes I am cutting them back constantly in order to train them to 3 or more upright stems.

Here's an example of 'Krasavitsa moskvy' The Beauty of Moskow (syrkrasavitsamoskvy050809_01.jpg). I have a few of these at the sale for $30. Intensly fragrant a double french lilac that is striking due to the white flowers from pink buds.

Most of the klilacs we have for sale are like this one (syrludwigspaeth050809_010.jpg). The name is usually shortened to just 'Ludwig Spaeth'. This Spaeth Hybrid was named after the breeders Mother and Father. We have over 90 in 7 gallon pots for $30 each.

This Chinese Lilac is in bloom (in the garden none for sale yet) as well and you'll want to smell its strongly perfumed flowers (syrmicrophyllasuperba050809_070.jpg). It produces abundent flowers in late spring followed by the occasional bloom later in the summer and fall

We grow plants to sell at our plant sale. Read my notes on the zone hardiness numbers I use. Do we do mail order? Check my picture-newsletter Want to purchase? email me.