
Email me and ask to be added to my list of subscribers to the Picture-Newsletter.

When a plant starts to bloom in the nursery I take a closeup of the flower with my digital camera. I hold the flower in my left hand so that its easy to compare the size of one flower with another.

I add a description of the plant, the date the picture was taken and post the picture on my web site (usually a 1.5 megabyte file size). Some times of the year I'll take a picture of decorative fruit and colorful foliage. In winter I show pictures of plants in winter storage (outside with the pots mulched) or encased in ice and snow.

You can forward the picture-newsletter to family and friends or save it as wallpaper. Past entries in my picture-newsletter can be found at www.floweringshrubfarm.com/garden.htm

When you receive a new picture, and its of a plant you want you can come to the Plant Sale, call 518-765-2917 and leave your phone number so I can call back or Email me asking for further information.
