Last edited: Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Page26 of Local Garden Newsletter Walk gardens including Lilac walks, shelterbelts and more.
Local Garden Newsletter with pictures. by Andrew Van Cleve
All you people who live in apartments but wish you could still have a garden come to the Local Garden Newsletter and save a picture from one of the 30 pages or so to use as wallpaper. On the other hand all you people who can grow plants feel free to come to our retail store in the spring.
Pictures in the Newsletter include; Local Gardens, Roses, Rhododendrons, Rose of Sharon, Apples, Espalier, Lilacs, Railroad Crossing, Porches, Autumn foliage, and more.
Most recent page edited is: page17 , page29
A Lilac Walk according to Father John Fialla is a collection of flowering trees and shrubs, situated along a meandering path, that due to the selection, intermitantly bloom throughout the growing season. Most walks I design include French Lilacs, Flowering Crab, Nut trees, Syringa microphyla superba, French Lilacs, Common Lilacs, Korean Lilacs, Chinese Lilacs, Japanese tree Lilacs, Cabbage Roses, Gallica Roses, Spinosissima Roses, Father Hugo's Rose, Explorer Roses, Species Roses, Rugosa Roses etc. Underplantings run mostly to wildflowers and flowering herbs. Certainly the most important is the one at Yonder Farms in Colonie. The walk wraps all the way around the lot with buildings, Nursery and parking lot in the center. It includes many of the Antique Roses, Modern Roses, Flowering trees and Lilacs which I continue to propagate from.