INV # 009

10608 Celestial, Celeste Alba Rose

10609 Celestial, Celeste Alba Rose

10610 Felicite parmentier

10615 Rosa centifolia

10616 Rosa centifolia

10617 Rosa centifolia

10618 Rosa centifolia

10619 Rosa centifolia

10620 Belle de Crecy

10621 Belle de Crecy

10622 Belle de Crecy

10623 Belle de Crecy

10610 Alberic Barbier

10631 Alberic Barbier

10632 Alberic Barbier

10634 Alberic Barbier

10642 'Stanwell Perpetual'

10644 'Stanwell Perpetual' One of our propagation plants that isn't for sale until I have others.

10645 'Stanwell Perpetual'


10659 Celsiana Damask Rose


10662 Konigin von danemark

10664 Konigin Von Danemark

10665 Konigin Von Danemark
