GrowLilacs has inventory pictures of each lilac I am growing at The Flowering Shrub Farm in Voorheesville, NY 12186. Each underlined blue colored variety name connects to a collection of pictures of that variety & more information about buying it retail once it flowers (we dont sell them until they flower). Clicking the picture may open a larger image you can save as wallpaper.

'ADELAIDE DUNBAR' Purple double flowers Crop 077 Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, double purple flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Dunbar, 1916). Mr Dunbar worked in Rochester, NY. New crop planned for 2011

'AGINCOURT BEAUTY' Purple single flowers Crop 078 Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, single deep purple flowers, bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Slater, 1968). Mr Slater (-1982) had a Nursery in Agincourt, Ontario, Canada. Started a crop in 2007

VIOLET-SINGLE 'ALBERT F HOLDEN' Violet-single flowers (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, single deep violet flowers with silvery reverse, bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Fiala, 1981; 'Sarah Sands' x 'Reaumer'). New crop planned

'AMI SCHOTT' Blue double flowers Crop 022 Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, double (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac), blue flowers with silvery reverse, bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Lemoine, 1933). New crop planned for 2011

'ANDENKEN AN LUDWIG SPAETH' Purple single flowers Crop 086 Lilac (10) (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, Syringa vulgaris to around 10 feet, single very dark purple flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Spaeth, 1883). Clicking on this tiny picture should open a large one that you could save as wallpaper on your computer.

'ARCH MCKEAN' Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, single magenta flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Fiala, 1983; 'Agincourt Beauty' x 'Rochester'). New crop planned for 2011

'ATHELINE WILBUR' Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, semidouble orchid rose and violet flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Fiala, 1979; ('Rochester' x 'Edward J Gardner') x 'Rochester'). New crop planned for 2011

'AUCUBAEFOLIA' Blue double flowers Crop 076 Lilac also called 'Dappled Dawn' (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, sport of 'President Grevy' growing around 10 feet tall, variegated green and gold leaves, double blue flowers (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac). Introduced by Auguste Gouchault (1851-1936) who was a nurseryman in Orleans, France. started a crop in 2004 and 2006

BLUE SINGLE flowers Crop 214 UNKNOWN VARIETY OF S. VULGARIS blooms for several weeks in late spring.

'CHARLES JOLY' Purple double flowers Crop 042 Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, double purple-red flowers (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Lemoine, 1896). New crop planned for 2011

'CLARKS GIANT' Mauve single flowers Crop 080 Lilac (S. hyacinthiflora) (8), Zone 4 rosy-mauve single flowers in huge florets (Clark, 1948). Walter Clarke (1876-1953) was a Nurseryman in San Jose, California. started a crop in 2004 & New crop planned for 2011

'CONGO' (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, flowers open wine red then turn purple and bloom for several weeks in late spring (Lemoine, 1896). started a crop in 2004

'DARK NIGHT' Purple single flowers Crop 081 Lilac (S. hyacithiflora) (10), Zone 3 thru 8, deep purple single flowers with a darker purple inner petal that flowers for several weeks in early spring, (Sobek, 1966). John Sobek is a grower in California. started a crop in 2007 & 2010

'DONALD WYMAN' Lavender single flowers Crop 123 Lilac (S. prestoniae) Zone 3 large lavender-purple flowers (Skinner, 1944). Mr Skinners Nursery was in Dropmore, Manitoba, Canada. Started a crop in 2007

'EDWARD J GARDNER' Pink double flowers Crop 082 Lilac (S. vulgaris) in the field (12) Zones 3 thru 8, Syringa vulgaris to around 10 feet, double pink flowers (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) bloom for several weeks in late spring, the best double pink flowered lilac (Gardner, <1950). Double flowering pink french lilac, one of my favorites. Edward Gardner (1891-1952) was a nurseryman in Horicon, Wisconsin. Started a crop in 2004.

S. hyacinthaflora 'excel' (Skinner, 1935) lilac color, single flowers. Mr Skinners Nursery was in Dropmore, Manitoba, Canada.

'FOREST KRESSER SMITH' Lavender single flowers Crop 083 Lilac (13), (S. hyacinthiflora) Zones 3 thru 8, Syringa vulgaris to around 10 feet, single lavender flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Sobek, ). started a crop in 2004, New crop planned for 2011

'JAMES MACFARLANE' Pink single flowers Crop 109 LILAC (14) (S. prestoniae) Zones 4 thru 8, small non-suckering tree that grows to around 9 feet tall, pink flowers for several weeks in late spring that usually begin to bloom a week or so after Syringa vulgaris, commonly referred to as James Macfarland lilac by mistake (Yeager, 1959). We prune away side branches in the bottom third of the tree started a crop in 2003

'KATHERINE HAVEMEYER' Lavender double flowers Crop 043 Lilac Syringa vulgaris double lavender pink flowers (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) (Lemoine, ). New crop planned for 2011.

'KRASAVITSA MOSKVY' White double flowers from pink buds Crop 084 Lilac (S. vulgaris) started a crop in 2004 (Kolesnikov, 1974)

'LAVENDER LADY' Lavender single flowers Crop 074 Lilac (S. hyacinthiflora) Zone 4, lavender single flowers for several weeks in mid-spring,

'LILAC SUNDAY' Lilac (S. chinensis) Zones 3 thru 8, single light-purple flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Arnold Arboretum, ). There is a lavender Lady that is S. vulgaris x S Laciniata (Lamerts, 1963)

'MICHEL BUCHNER' Pink double flowers Crop 045 Lilac Syringa vulgaris double (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) with lilac pink flowers (Lemoine, ). New crop planned for 2011.

'MISS CANADA' Pink single flowers Crop 087 Lilac (S. prestoniae) zones 3 thru 8, pink non suckering tree to around 9 feet, zones 4 to 6, sun (Cumming, 1967). started a crop in 2004

'NADEZHDA' Bicolor blue double flowers Crop 072 Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, double (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) bicolor lilac-blue flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Kolesnikov, <1970). Leonid Kolesnikov (1893-1973) was a hybridist in Moscow, U.S.S.R. Started a crop in 2010,

'MONGE' Magenta single flowers Crop 088 Lilac (S. vulgaris) Introduced in 1913 (Lemoine, 1913). Zones 3 thru 8, reddish-purple flowers and usually grow to 10 or 12 feet. Mr Lemoine (1862-1943) was a nurseryman in Nancy, France.

'PAUL THIRION' Red double flowers Crop 070 Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, deep reddish-pink double flowers (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) for several weeks in spring (Lemoine, 1915). Mr Lemoine (1862-1943) was a nurseryman in Nancy, France. Started a crop in 2009,

'POCAHONTAS' Purple single flowers Crop 113 Lilac (S. hyacinthiflora) Zones 3 thru 8, purple single flowers for several weeks in spring (introduced by Skinner in 1935). Mr Skinners (1882-1967) Nursery was in Dropmore, Manitoba, Canada. New crop planned for 2011.

'PRESIDENT GREVY' Blue double flowers Crop 052 Lilac Syringa vulgaris double (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) with blue flowers (Lemoine, ). New crop planned for 2011

'PRESIDENT POINCAIRE' Magenta double flowers Crop 089 Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, magenta-red double flowers (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) and usually grow to 10 or 12 feet (Lemoine, 1913). started a crop in 2004, another crop planned for 2011,

'PRIMROSE' Yellow single flowers Crop 162 Lilac Holden Arboretum derived. Maarse. slower growing, Even though it appears in most photos to be yellow its color is a chalk or creamy yellow that only appears yellow in contrast to white (and sometimes even then isn't what the photos show). Started a crop in 2006,

'PURPLE GLORY' Purple single flowers Crop 073 Lilac (S. hyacinthiflora) Zone 3 thru 8, single bluish-purple flowers that flowers for several weeks in early spring, (Clarke, 1949). Mr Clarke's Nursery was in San Jose, California. Crop started in 2010,

'ROCHESTER' White single flowers Crop 090 Lilac zones 3 thru 8, single white flowers that bloom for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Crop started in 2009,

'ROYALTY' (S. josiflexa) Zone 4, lilac purple flowers (Preston, 1935)

'SARAH SANDS' Purple single flowers Crop 091 Lilac (S. vulgaris) zones 3 thru 8, single dark purple flowers bloom for several weeks in late spring to early summer. (Havemeyer, 1943). Crop started in 2004,

'SENSATION' Purple single flowers Crop 092 Lilac (Maarse, 1938). Crop started in 2004

'SUPERBA' Pink single flowers Crop 129 Lilac, Syringa microphylla 'Superba' (Chenault, 1934) Crop started in 2007

I am trying to show the name of the hybridist, where he worked and what year the plant was introduced. This can sometimes be evidence as to hardiness but the year is important for those creating period gardens where all plants have to be of or before a certain year.

'SYLVAN BEAUTY' Purple single flowers Crop 085 Lilac Cant get this anymore.

'YANKEE DOODLE' Lilac (S. vulgaris) Zones 3 thru 8, single dark purple flowers (double flowered Syringa vulgaris = French Lilac) bloom for several weeks in late spring, (Fiala, 1985; 'Prodige' x 'Rochester').